Jennifer Perez Capstone


A year ago, my family had lost a friend due to a battle against breast cancer. Ella Reynov was a brave women who lived happily married and once became a mother of two young children. After her death in April 2014, she inspired me to make a change by helping others that are diagnosed with the sickness because it really hits you, when someone you truly love is hurt by strong medications and painful procedures. Now that senior year was approaching, I decided to dedicate my capstone in the memory of my dearest friend Ella. My overall ideal of having a breast cancer project, I wanted to be supportive and to make a difference for the victims that are fight against cancer. When I was introduced to the Susan G. Komen organization, I always participated to walk the 5K but this year I decided to fundraise and form a team for SLA called “Pink Rockets”, after finding out that in the Philadelphia area about 3.8 million women and 15 counties, 75% were funding for the awareness. To raise money, I sold Pink Rocket t-shirts and created a bake sale along with my partner, Chaveliz Nieves. Overall we made $139 dollars to donate. Anything counts towards breast cancer, either if we were short on money or have big bills. Throughout the year, I also wanted to connect and reach out to other breast cancer patients so I created a mini diary blog on tumblr by sharing stories and reblogging.

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"Breast Cancer Awareness Month | A Little Bit Better With Keri Glassman."YouTube. YouTube, n.d. Web. 28 Jan. 2015. <>.

This source provides information about Breast Cancer Awareness Month throughout October. The video is presented by Keri Glassman, who is the founder and president of Nutritious Life in New York City. Glassman, has been leading many females to health and wellness plus encouraging other viewers to learn more information about early detection and ways that people can support the fight towards breast cancer. We know that the disease can be aggressive but the video includes tips and advice, that we should be aware for the ones we love. In the channel ‘Living Strong Women’ organization, the source gives plenty of recommendations and definitely helpful to my capstone.

"Pink Ribbons, Inc. Official Trailer #1 (2012) Breast Cancer Documentary HD." YouTube. YouTube, n.d. Web. 28 Jan. 2015. <>.

This source is not only an ordinary video, It’s a Breast Cancer documentary. The documentary provides information about marketing campaigns throughout fundraising the awareness. We know that many brands are involved such as New Balance, Fuze, and even the NFL who supports the awareness. Each year, there is an estimation about millions of dollars is raised but the documentary questions, where does the money really go? Is it really donated to the awareness? Are campaigns unfair to Breast Cancer patients? or Does it even achieve? One of the woman in the trailer explains that the disease is able to help raise but also believes that it is being used so that people can profit. It gives good background and helps improve my progress for capstone presentation.

"Breast Cancer - Symptoms and Treatment." YouTube. YouTube, n.d. Web. 28 Jan. 2015. <>.

I found this source useful because the video includes information about Breast Cancer. The video is basically in a animation and breaks down of how is cancer transfer to a woman body, also it is scanned as a 2D- 3D video. Describing the facts of what females such as the three different types of Breast Cancer, most women should be aware of the life threatening alert and how to prevent the disease is very important. The Health channel gives support throughout the video and believe it is helpful towards the viewers. I personally think, that this video is very useful because when capstone presentations will begin, I would want to give a short summary of what breast cancer is and how many women are affected each year.

"Are We Fighting Breast Cancer All Wrong?" BuzzFeed. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Jan. 2015. <>.

I found this source useful because it is different from other research that I found and it is an infographic about breast cancer. The infographic questions, are we fight breast cancer all wrong? and how much breast cancer research money is spent on prevention? There is enough statistics to look at and discover how is the money is being used. Such as, $87 million is made by Department of defense of 2011 and only 1.1% has been given towards the prevention and the rest is wasted on treatment and survivor outcomes, etc. Another interesting fact that I am able to use for my capstone is that in 1975, there were 105 reports for each 100,000 women with Breast Cancer and 32 years later in 2007, there were 125 reports per 100,000 women.

"8 Things You Didn’t Know Cause Cancer." BuzzFeed. Mark Celestino, n.d. Web. 28 Jan. 2015. 


I selected this source because I thought it will be helpful that there are secret ways to get cancer, therefore people should be aware of. These are the type of things that people can get cancer easily such as the processed meat of what we eat, popcorn bags since its filled with perfluorooctanoic acid that is basically a toxic, and farmed salmon that is a high risk of cancer, etc. This can be part of my research for my capstone presentation. I would include how much research I have done and possibly show this video if I am able too but will definitely share the information to the viewers.

"Home | Susan G. Komen®." Home | Susan G. Komen®. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Jan. 2015. <>.

I found this source very helpful because the Susan G. Komen is the main cite that I will follow up everyday for my capstone. I had set up a group account so I can fundraise and join the 5k walk on mothers day. Almost every other two days, I receive updates and reminders about the charity within how I am able to help out the community with survivors but it even sends me short personal stories. Since, I decided to create a gathering call Pink Rockets, this source will honestly be my best friend throughout the year. It will follow me up of how much I will fundraise and how much effort have I gave.

"Breast Cancer." Breast Cancer. American Cancer Society, n.d. Web. 28 Jan. 2015. <>.

This source provides information about breast cancer awareness. It is able to help you find support and treatment, exploring research, learning about cancer of what it is exactly, and how to get involved. We may know what cancer is but people must know that this disease is not easy to recover. We love our mothers and other important females in our life, so therefore we should take care of women. The way this source will help me present my capstone is by explaining the audience of why is it important and how it can impact everyone is a certain type of why. Or even, go around to the students and let them share their experiences with this disease because it is always nice to hear short stories. But mostly, this sources will provide many information and lead me to a good path.

"Fight for Ella Fund." N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Jan. 2015. <>.

I selected this source because the link will direct to paypal where students, teachers, and friends will be able to donate to ‘Fight for Ella Fund’. You can donate at any amount as you please towards the fund that will help me for the capstone and the organization. This link will be used in my Capstone presentation and website. I will also post statuses on Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr to see if people will participate and have a good heart to donate. At the final product of my capstone, I will announce how much did we raised and what were the goals.

"Breast Cancer For Dummies." Barnes & Noble. Ronit Elk, Monica Morrow M.D., n.d. Web. 30 Jan. 2015. <>.

Not only that I would want to look into online sources, It is always good to find information in text books. This book is called, ‘Breast Cancer for Dummies’. It’s a common book that people always use for any situation or guideline. Since, this is about breast cancer,  it will help me understand a lot better of what is the disease. Some of the truths of breast cancer that I recently found out was that, when a woman has breast cancer it does not mean it will lead to death because there are some cure and depending of what type of cancer it is. There are millions of survivors and it really inspires me to talk about the facts towards my capstone. I just think it is interesting and it will be helpful throughout my process.

"Chicken Soup for the Breast Cancer Survivor's Soul: Stories to Inspire, Support and Heal." Barnes & Noble. Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Mary Olsen Kelly, n.d. Web. 30 Jan. 2015. <>.

Other than online sources, there was another book that I found that was clever about Breast Cancer. Not only, does it give facts or any other warnings that readers should be aware of. The book explains the positive side of breast cancer and give stories about survivors. Even, if we lost the ones we love and became afraid, at the end families shared their experience in the book and gladly supports the awareness that people fundraise. I believe that the book is very heart-warming and touching. It is a nice book to enjoy and other readers would like to find more information about the fight.
