Spanish 2 - Gierke Public Feed
Quarter 4 Benchmark Ryan Barksdale-White
Q4 Proyecto
I wrote a poem for this quarters spanish benchmark describing my life goals and past experiences. I had difficulties trying to use my basic knowledge of poetry and incorporating my spanish knowledge as well I had to really utilize my resources around me. I enjoyed this project I got to remember the good parts about my life that has happened and what to look forward to in the future.
Below is the poem I submitted on paper for my final Spanish two Benchmark!
Mis padres contaron un cuento de la lluvia u8de la noche en que nacî,
05 de septiembre fue la segunda vez que ocurrio un tsunami le tocó el útero en
nací con ángeles,
quiero devolver el favor a los cielos
maestro de educación especial en mi descripción genética, la bendición de tener
un corazón suficientemente grande para los componentes para ayudar a la gente.
Quiero ir a la
universidad después de la secundaria para
ampliar mi propósito
quiero tres ninos
dia yo me despierto abriendo mis ojos a la realidad
Eso es deformada,
hay veces que no viva entiendo
todo va a trabjar a lo ultimo
a jugar el volibol en
nubes y vivir my vida con Dios ,
encontro rerfugio en mi corazon
Un Vida Loca! By Catherine Nardone
Danny- Q4 BM post
Click here to visit my wiki
Bee - BMQ4_E2
In the process of this benchmark, I enjoyed looking through all the pictures in the past and it was very fun. It brought back a lot of memories one wouldn't really remember at random moments. Some struggles I went through were scanning the pictures. My scanner wasn't connected to my laptop, so I couldn't really use it. What I had to use was a camera. I attempted using Photo Booth, but that was a fail. So, I resorted to using my camera on my phone - which would explain some of the horrible quality. Next time, if I were to re-do this project, I would find a working scanner and use that for better pictures.
czangerl Mi Vida
Spanish 2-Proyecto Q4BM
For my project if i were to change anything it would have to be the way that i did it. I would use a different program or make a story or something like that. During the project i struggled the most with getting pictures for my project.With my project the best part of it i think is the way that i set it up.
Jordan McLaughlin Spanish 2 BM 4
Muy, extraño
Yo era muy extraño
No un poco, pero era que mucho.
Yo gustaba pokémon y yu-gi-oh,
No un poco, pero gustaba que mucho.
Yo no gustaba barbies y niñas,
No un poco, pero no gustaba mucho.
Mi familia es muy impotante
Mi amigo’s de escuela son muy importante tambíen.
Yo no era normal…
En el futuro sere la astronaught
Yo queriá volar a la luna.
Yo soy atlético y inteligentes,
Te gusta béisbol.
Te gusta béisbol mucho.
No un poco, pero gustaba que mucho.
Mi amigos es muy important para mí.
Mi día voy a la escuela y más tarde a mi casa.
En cinco años yo soy atlético y intelligente
Trabjo con apple store o en el militares,
Yo sere es soldado y programmador
No me gustaba Yankees, Microsoft y videojuegos
En diez años yo soy atlético y loco
Yo sere un professonales de beísbol o
Trabajo con blizzard o
Maestro de computadoras.
Yo cambiare el mundo por recycling y
Ayudar a los sordos.
I made a poem that represents me as a person and what im going to be when I grow up! I think what I could have done differently is that it doesn't really sound like a poem when translated into english. I think what I did well was I met All the requirements.
Proyecto Q3Bm
Proyecto Q3Bm
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