Kyler Jones Public Feed
Leyendo de Fort Miflin
En Fort Mill, dicen los fantasma’s de Elizabeth Howl, y su hermana Mary Howl lo persiguen. Elizabeth Howl frecuenta la oficina. Ella la gente.Su apodo es “The WHite Sisters”. Fort Miflin se frecuenta mucho fantasmas, los niños, y los soldados muertes.
La historía de Fort Mill es medio. Por que los personas no frecuenta el lugar porque piensan las fantasmas.
Un día, un mujer Elizabeth Howl caminaba en el bosque cerca de Fort Mifilin. Ella era sonambulismo. Oyó los voces que dijo su hermana fue en Fort Miflin. Su hermana Mary había estado desparecida para dos meses. Un mujer Elizabeth, sabía su marido John habían asesinado, y él escondido el cuerpo. Entonces, Elizabeth oyó el voce de su hermana una noche que dijo Mary fue en el bosque. Elizabeth fue al bosque y no volvió durante tres días.
El marido de Elizabeth pensó Elizabeth lo había abandonado.Él sentía solo y loco. Despues de trés días, Elizabeth volvió. Elizabeth parecía feliz pero extraño. Ella le dijo la voz de su hermana llevándola al bosque. Ella dijo su hermana estaba vida y feliz. Su marido de Elizabeth no dice nada, para leyendo dice que la mató su hermana.
Todo el día, ella no comía y sólo observado se sentó en la silla. Anoche, Elizabeth estaba sentado en al silla. Su marido le volvió la espalda y cuando miró la silla se había ido. Las personas de pueblo y viajeros ortaron ver dos chicas para Fort Mifflin desparacen en la noche.Su marido Elizabeth se volvió loco y fue encontrado mutilado fuera de sus meses de casa después de la desapariciónde Elizabeth.Nunca se encontraron los cuerpos de Elizabeth y Mary.
Podcast #2
Kyler Jones Capstone
Benchmark Podcast #1
La Mujer y Silvana
En 1973, mi mundo fue revolucionario de poder,organización de gobierno y economía. En 11 de septiembre un golpe de estado, financiado por Las Estados Unidos, envío a derrocar el presidente Allende en favor de Pinochet, y destruir el movimientos de socialistas y communistas.Las memorias de los soldederas asaltar mi pueblo y asesinato los personas era devastador. Fui asesinado por un soldado para attempar a proteger mi padre. El golpe de estado fue el final de mi vida corto. Mi memoría ultimó es llanto y gritando en medio.Los objectos del pintura representan una persona podría haber crecido ser. La duermida mujer es agostado para intelligente, y busca el conocimiento y la certeza. Sonrío y juego, pero quiero integridad y la libertad.La pintura trae un mensaje de dormir es importante para las mujerer que trabajan, especialmente las artistas, el escitoros, y estudiantes.
La mujer parece hermosa dormir, y su libros simbolizar que ella es un trabajador duro.Pinté este cuadro por que era muy agostado y quise dormir. Dormir es un necesito, y la derecha para las mujeres. La trabajar de la mujer es intenso.Mi vida es candado y difícil. Vivo en pobreza y soy un mujer. Mi problemas son hombres, y no comida o recurzos. Los hombres quieran a violar me y a capturar me. Pobreza me abandona más cercano a que.La pintura te hace sentir triste y feliz. El sueño es lo que necesito, y un pacífico solo lugar para mí. Donde el dinero y comida es no problema, y puedo vuelta y ser.
3 Obras
Q3Proyecto: Mi Mural "El Cemento y Iglesia"
Yo vivo en El Oeste Filadelfia, el barrio de Cobbs Creek. Yo tengo He vivido allí toda mi vida. Me gusta el parque, las floras y las faunas, y el aislamiento. No me gustan las pedófiloapedófilas, los violadores, los drogadictos, y los hombres de medio. No me gusta donde mí viva, porque es peligroso estar fuera. Los temas importantes para mi comunidad son conservación de ambiente. Por otro lado, mi comunidad es buena en comparación con otro los barrios en El Oeste Filadelfia. Mi mural se ubicaría en la pared al lado de aparcamiento de supermercado.
Las formas de arte son la escritura, la pintura, la dibujara y la música. Las características del arte son creativos e intentan de a enviar un mensaje. El propósito de arte puede ser cualquier cosa. No tiene que ser atractivo el arte. Que es atractivo es una opinión. El Arte tiene que tener un mensaje; todo el arte tiene un mensaje. El grafiti es vandalismo y arte. Vandalismo tiene un propósito, y puede tomar la forma de arte - que es grafiti. El arte no es violencia ni violación nada. La pornografía no es arte. La tortura no es arte. Los temas no son arte porque sus intenciones son a hacer daños otros. Mi mural es arte porque es un dibujo. Creo el mural a expresar yo misma y enviar un mensaje. Mi mensaje es "Siempre creo en yo misma". El mensaje es para mí misma. Mi mensaje es egoísta pero inspirador. La imagen de mi mural representado la confianza, el poder, y negro femenino chévere. Para mí, el propósito del arte publicó es a hacer el dinero, enviar u mensaje, contar la historia y a representar las figuras significativas.
Mi mural tiene las imágenes de mí misma sólo. Mi mural tiene un dibujo de mi con mi perro en mis brazos delante de iglesia y collage. El propósito de la imagen de mi y mi perro es que simbolizar mi compromiso a mi comunidad, mi trabajo, y los seres queridos. Soy una estrella excéntrica en mi barrio, y tengo la creatividad de traer. El fondo de mi mural representan los elementos de mi comunidad: la iglesia/religión, la pobreza, las drogas, y esperanza. El sentimiento de no esperanza. Mi mural es dividido en un negro y blanco, y los colores oscuros. El dibujo de mi y mi perro es en negro y blanco porque contrasta bien con el fondo, y no me gusta usar colores cuando en los dibujos.
Mi pieza es arte publicó. Ahora, ¿es mi pieza de arte publicó exitosa? No sé. La mayoría interpretaría mi mural diferentemente. Para mi opinión, mi pieza no debería ofender las demás, ni dañar las otras personas. Yo creo que mi mural es guapo, interesante, original y creativa. Las otras personas admirará mi mural porque mi mural es único. Por otro lado, las imágenes oscuros son únicas en comparación con la mayoría de los murales en la Filadelfía. Algunas gente gustarían mi pintura, otros no gustarían. De lo contrario, mi mural tendría un impacto.
Food Rules Benchmark
Zucchini Fries
4 large zucchini
3 cups grated parmasean cheese
3 cups of eggs whites
Olive oil
Preheat oven to 450 degrees, with oiled large non stick pan. Chop zuchinni into thin fry shapes. Dip into egg whites and bread with parmasean, oregano, and pepper mix. Place on pan and bake for 15 minutes, then flip on the other side and bake again until brown and crisp.
I'd say that the nutrition for this is pretty okay. The zucchini baked itself is low in carbohydrates, only about 5 net carbs per large zucchini. So this meal is safe for diabetics, because it's very low on the glycemic index with a glycemic of 2, meaning it does not raise your blood sugar to a dangerous level. Mostly because half the carbs are fiber. The vitamins in zucchini are leaning towards high levels of copper, maganese, magnesium, vitamin k, vitamin c, potassium, folate, and vitamin A, while it contains some tract of all nutrients. The egg whites that cover the zucchini are high in protein. About 9 grams per cup, and about 1 carb per cup. It's low in nutrients though, with only potassium and sodium, but a good source of protein. The parmesean cheese is very very high in fat, seeming as it is usually not that aged and because of industrial food processing. 1 cup is about 30 grams of fat, mostly saturated. It's even higher in protein at a about 40 grams of protein in a cup. Parmesean cheese is primarily calcium, a lot of calcium, and then a little bit of iron and vitamin c. But high amounts of calcium. I used about half a cup of oil for the entire recipe. Which itself is about 108 grams of fat, which is a good mix of monounsaturated, saturated, and polyunsaturated fat. It's purely fat, and a a little bit of potassium
So all in all, this food in about a serving which seems like about a cup for most is about 28 grams of mostly saturated fat,25 grams of protein, and about 5 carbs. You would be eating a very high amount of calcium, but with other nutrients such as vitamin k, maganese, magnesium etc. all the nutrients from the zucchini this is a pretty healthy snack.
The fat can help your body absorb the nutrients in the zucchini plus the calcium. There can be very reactions to your body eating this food. One fact is that it is baked and therefore some of the nutrients naturally gets lost on the way. Secondly it contains eggs and dairy. The eggs can cause gas, bloating, and allergic reactions to those who are allergic to them. The parmesean cheese doesn't cause me any problems though, considering I am kind of a lactose intolerant. I get lots of acne when I drink milk or consume dairy, but parmesan cheese never effected me.
Also since all of the foods in my recipe are processed industrially, there is always a zap away of most of the nutrients from being absorbable for the body, and most of the nutrients being present in the food.Then the whole zucchinis being full of pesticides and possibly being genetically modified thing that plays in.But the fat combined with the nutrients of the zucchini can make a nutritious meal.
The food is very high in fat and protein, meaning it will keep the eater satisfied after consuming a small portion and give them steady ongoing energy through the day to burn. It's a good snack for anybody of any activity level. And is a great replacement for other unhealthy choices because It tastes like fries, pepperonis, and resembles carby foods like lasagna. So it's a better decision to eat zucchini fries instead of that stromboli, and the cheese pizza, and those potatoes fries, loaded with doe, carbs, and just empty crap your body doesn't need and will leave you starving the next morning. The zucchini fries will not only satisfy your craving for something fast foody, but keep your hunger tame.
None of these products come from sustainable practices. Zucchini are imported from Oregon and sprayed with chemical fertilizers. They come from industrial agricultural which is inherently unsustainable ( deforestation, chemical pollution, importation, fossil fuels etc.). The cows used to produce the milk to create the cheese are factory farmed, loaded with horomones, and living in filth, disease, death, and great pain. The cheese is made on machines by cheesemaking factories, and imported from thousands of miles. Everything on that list is imported. The olive oil from Italy, the zucchini from oregon, the cheese from god knows where, but all of the ingredients come from harmful practices.
The foods themselves aren’t bad, it’s the production, and economy that really make them not even food but imported products. Politically speaking the production/consumption style of these foods say yes to capitalism, and no to traditional ways of attaining food, and more sustainable ones. This meal is brought you by major corporations, and guilds of dudes who like to torture their food in the name of money, production, and takeover. As if we all couldn’t grow our own zucchini, pasture raise cows and culture and age our own cheese, or find our own oils to grind out and make.
This meals cost a lot of lives, land, and ozone that we are rapidly running out of.
The social is the political. I bought these at a supermarket, from a corporate chain store that exploits it’s workers who sells food products that exploit their workers and their land, and are all about eco-destruction. There was absolutely no social interaction involved in the purchasing of these items. I went to store, browsed through the colorful aisles and located my overpriced items, whose prices are inflated to generate profits for CEO’s and heads of corporations, not the workers, who are paid about 10 bucks an hour at this store. So they check out my items, and I pay the store, and I leave.
If these items were being produced communally, I would have to talk to actual human beings about the actual foods I want, and make them with actual human beings. Instead, the processes of how the food is grown, imported, processed is all done by machines and their human slaves.
So this food, the way it was made, produced, attained, was pretty anti-social. When I brought it to share with others of course that was social. But the meal itself took a whole lot of antisocial behavior for one social event, which is kind of disturbing.
This unit I haven't learned much about things I didn't already know. Seeing as I just have a broad scientific background in nutrition for a high schooler. I learned about specific diseases and the origins of their names, but nothing truly significant that I wasn't aware of already. I think I learned a lot about GMO and how it effects the environment and it's possible dangers. We covered the Omnivore's Dilemna which is a book I was already aware of, because I had read it's counter book " The Vegetarian Myth" by Lierre Kieth, which I thought made more since. We should've talked about that book, because I think it makes way more sense and incorporates different sides of health debate.
Theres many things I think were wrong in what we learned. Michael Pollan is always pointing towards vegetarianism, but then we talk about how people with traditional diets don't have the flux of civilized diseases that we on a civilized diet get. Traditional diets are most comprised of meat, dairy, and vegetables. Local meat that is. But at the same time we are talking about how meat is bad for you and will give you all these diseases.
Also, the western diet has changed dramatically ever since the FDA proposed that a diet high in saturated fats and meat will kill you, consumption of grain, fruits, vegetables, and non-saturated fats has gone up in the past like 30 years, but heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and other illnesses have also risen or stayed the same. Obesity has just grown,even though we are supposedly eating more like vegetarians. I think we focused on Michael Pollan too much, as if he is the chief of modern day health. There is a whole bunch of things not being taken into consideration, like modern day medicine and how it effects what foods are pushed and which foods aren't.
Like for example to push cholesterol lowering drugs, there was this belief that having high cholesterol was a bad thing that was introduced in the 20th century, and the FDA had to create a diet that would lead to diseases in which high cholesterol was present. There was just a whole a bunch of useful science in this unit I felt was missing. I lot of perspectives of nutrition and diet that were missing. A whole lot of researchers and authors.
I think are biggest problem with our food system, is our food system itself. Capitalism, and agriculture are inherently harmful to the environment and not that healthy for us. There's evidence that the human brain has shrunk 5% over the last 10,000 years. Humans are shorter, and fatter. This is because of agricultural foods. The human brain could not have grown so big off of plant protein and wheat. Think of all the wheat and plants you'd have to eat to get the protein you can get in just two servings of steak. Like that's a lot of food, a lot of carbs you'd have to consume, and that can be a recipe for weight gain.
I don't think their is any choice I can make to counter the effects of living off of industrial agriculture. I can try to buy foods that aren't as bad as others, but in reality my consumer choice doesn't change the fact that what I bought took a whole lot of pollution, death, and suffering to import. And that I when I dispose of it the chemicals in my food product, and it's packaging will go back into the environment as pollutants.
José Guadalupe Posada
Emiliano Zapato
Emiliano Zapato fue una figura significativo para el Méxicano Revolucíon, por que fue una figura mejor en la zapatismo movimiento y movimiento campesino.
!Una oda a Emiliano Zapato!
Valiente, feroz, y político
Cuando yo te veo pienso en muy de medio
Me haces querer a me convertir una política lesbiana
Tu, mí marxista y lesbiana inspiración
¡Viva la vida zapatistas!
Neuroscience, Society, and The Insanity Defense
Si vivía perfecto...
Si sería un vida perfecto
yo tendría un cabina en la bosque
con los osos negros, los venados de pelaje espeso,
y las ranas tranquilmentes.
Yo querría un amente a vivr con
Yo desperetaría a grueses capas de nieve
y correría en pieles de animales.
No cuidaría sobre ser guapa,
todos sería guapa
No preocuparía sobre ser flaco o
ser sano
No asustaría sobre creciendo graso
La Máscara de Mí
Me nombre es Kyler Jones, escrita en el registro en el civil de Filadelfia. Yonacío 5 de Diciembre de 1995. Mis pasatiempas favoritas son escribir, el arte, y la guitarra. Voy ir al Ciencias Leadership Academia, y práctico remar todos las dias. Yo Vivía conmie madre, hermana pequeña, mi perro, mi gato, y mi padre. Ellos dicen yo soy extraño y muy inteligente.
Yo soy agobiada con el deprimente. También yo soy preocupada por futura colegio, y agobiada con SATs y remo. Mi compañeros de clase yo, hablo sobre SATs, la universidades, y el futuro todo el tiempo. Yo trabaja todo las dias, no hora para dormir. Me el ser graciosa es un characteristica se puede ver. A menudo yo hago comentarios de graciosa en la escuela .Yo estoy soltera mujer y contenta a veces. Las demás pensaron yo soy extraña pero muy listo. Mis comentarios en las clases son confundido a muchas las demás. Hay mucha las cosas, muchas las demás sobre no entienden me. Las demás pensaron, que soy mucho extraña, y miedo de mí. Mi pelo, los brazos, y mi la piel es morena. Mi pelo loco es una characteristica mayor que las personas ver sobre me. Ellos piensan yo soy el fumador de marihuana o que yo soy loco.
En cuanto mis relaciones académicas, mis profesores es bien excepto con Mr. Miles. Mr. Miles es muy sarcástico y molesta a me. Me llevo mal Ms. Pahomav, no obstante ella es mi profesora no más. Señorita Pamohav es extraña, sin embargo yo quiero como ella. También Srta. Pahomav siempre mirando a me .Ms. Rami es mi nueva amiga. Ella tiene una pasión con la escritura, y India. Su clase es aburrido mucho. Señor Best es ausente siempre pero gracioso. Señor Best es tonto no serioso nada, su clase es no difícil.Me inspira Señor Baird, él es profesor mí favorita. Baird me entienden.
Mis relaciones con me amistades esta bien. Me amiga nueva Katie es interesante. Ella es sola y huraña pero yo entiendo. Me amigas Ayoola, Tyler, y Jameaka son muy chévere.Tyler es tan graciosa como me. Nosotros somos los sagitarios, por qué es somos amigas. Nosotros tenemos la cumpleañera misma.Además nosotros hablamos en la clase todos las días. Yo apreciado teniendo una amiga como ella, que igual a me. Nosotros entienden la una del otra la mayoría del tiempo. Hay las cosas ella no entienden sobre mi, pero que es no importante.
Tyler y yo hablamos sobre todos las romanticas relaciones.No tengo unas relaciones romanticas ahora. Pero yo tuve un novio, pero rompimos hace meses. Él era la simpática,cuidadoso, huraño y cariñosa pero fue loco.Yo soy la marginada por mis lpolíticas miradas. Yo soy mucha dedicada a la feminista, y la ambientisma. Yo creo la raíz de evil es el patriarcado. Yo quiero libertad para la planeta, animales y las mujeres. Me molesta mucho por los hombres en mi viva. Los hombres tienen mintió, y acosan me todo las días. Tengo miedo de los hombres a veces. Yo soy amable con los hombres, pero eso no cambiaron ellos. Yo sueño con vivir en pacífico planeta.Al Contrario, no creo va a pasar. Esto es deprimente.Yo valgo mucho la hora de libertad, y mi ideals. Estoy enamorada de buena vida, y la naturaleza. Las demás creo yo soy excéntrica, y no entiendo me. Muchos personas quieren tener el éxito, los dineros, y material valor. No tengo la ambición o a trabajar dificil. También yo tengo depresión, ansiedad, y paranoia. Miedo de no las personas ser entendido, hace que deprimido. Tan de miedo estar sola. Pero yo remo a ayudar con los sentimientos negativos. Yo quiero a ser más artística y creativa. Yo era muy dedicada artista académica.Ahora yo tengo demasiado trabajo.
Por una lado, yo soy segura, por otra lado soy insegura con ella misma.En el futuro, Yo quiero a ser tan madura como todo lo posible. Que es las divertidades para me. Ahora, yo estoy vendiendo ahí.
Yo soy mujer única, artista, y pensador política. Mi máscara muestra los secretos de mi personalidad. Yo soy mujer culta, quien adora ella misma. Mi máscara es de los demonios por qué demonios hacer mi máscara unas cualidades chévere .Los gatos simbolizan la energía de feminino.La intelligencia, el egoismo, adorar de ella misma, y dormir. En el futuro, quiero ser un gato.
Writing helps me connect with other's because people can see how I feel about the world, and what is beneath the surface. Many people assume I'm a certain way because of my outer appearance, but aren't aware of the reasons why. When writing I can reveal those mysteries and help people understand why I am the way I am.
I've had people I've worked with never be interested in me or become surprised when they view thing's I've written. They are always shocked at how radical and unexpected my opinions, it's as if they don't expect me to be as smart as I sound. They don't expect be to have an opinions, because I'm so young. They don't expect me to understand things, or being able to recognize the ubiquity of things they call normalcy, as nonsense in my mind.
diario #5
Hay mucha las cosas, muchas las demas sobre no me entienden. Yo soy la marginada para me política las miradas. Yo soy mucha dedicada a la feminisma, y la ambientisma. La demas pensan, que soy mucho extraña, y miedo de mí. Yo creo la raiz de evil es el patriarcado. Yo quiero libertad para la planeta, animales y las mujeres.
Me molesta mucho por los hombres en mi viva. Los hombres tienen mintió, y acosan mi todo las días. Tengo miedo de los hombres a veces. Yo soy amable con los hombres, pero eso no cambiaron ellos. Sueño con vivir en pacífico planeta. No creo va a pasar. Esto es deprimente.
Valgo mucho la hora de libertad, y mi ideals. Estoy enamorada de buena vida, y la naturaleza. Las demás creo yo soy excéntrica, yo no entiendo. Mucho personas tienen éxito, los dineros, y material valor. No tengo la ambición o a trabajar dificil.
También , yo tengo depresión, ansiedad, y paranoia. Miedo de no las personas ser entendido, hace que deprimido. Tan de miedo estar sola.
Diario 4#
Mi amiga Tyler es muy graciosa y nos acuedamos más. Me apoya mi amistades en la escuela. No le importa que tenga exíto con teniendo mucha amigas. Yo prefiero estar las solas.No es comprehensiva a más personas.
La respecto mucho y nos llevamos bien mi amigas.
Diario #:
En cuanto mis relaciones académicas, mis profesores es bien excepto con Mr. Miles. Mr. Miles es muy sarcástico y molesta a mí. Me llevo mal con Ms. Pamahov, no obstante ella es mi profesora no más. Señorita Pamohav es extraña, sin embargo yo quiero como ella. También Srta. Pamohov siempre mirando a mí.Ms. Rami es mi nueva amiga. Señor siempre absento pero gracioso. Me inspira Señor Baird, él es profesor mí favorita. Baird me entiende.
Kyler Diario con T. Veasley #2
Diario #1: ¿Cómo soy?
Yo soy depremida. También yo soy preocupada por futura collegío, y agobiada con SATs y remo. Yo trabaja todo las dias, no hora a duermir. Yo sentirsa triste por que me emocciones.
Yo soy cariñosa, cuidados, graciosa, inteligente, y sensible. Yo soy soletra mujer y contenta. Quiero ir al Pine Manor College en Massachusetts.
Además, quiero terminar escuela muy fuerte!
Electronic Signature and Reply
The Debt
The New Deal: Sean and Kyler
Our project is in the form of a comic in which the Obama's "Big Deal" is presented as The New Deal. So the reader can understand how the New Deal is very much like Obama's focus on healthcare, work inequalities, and financial reforms.
The idea behind the comic inspired by an article about how Obama's "Big Deal" and new stimulus package, and attempts to turn around the Great Recession are like the FDR's New Deal. And how these points of great reform and economic depression are similar
Drive Review
I chose to create silver reef wire at a sudden vision, and in-the-moment need. I had to construct this. The joy, the season, the year, the course, all molded into one metallic structure. Silver, for metal, metal, for physics and science. Wire for circuits, for, conductivity, an auspice to the transferring of current. A reef, a common shape and symbol of Western ornament domination, and token of holiday indulgence. Built to last forever, in your heart, and in your christmas bin.
My HMWK- Audio will not upload fo some reason
BM- My audio won't upload. My phone is turned off, soo.... I don't know what to do.
1.I notice that I expect everybody going to vote for Obama, because everyone I interview is black. I also noticed that everybody's main concerns or only issues raised was unemployment and better education.
2.I wonder if these people would vote for a republican if he was black?
3. What if Romney wins the state?
I didn't learn jack about systematic and individual change through this. All I do know is that they are two variables. Systematic beings independent, and individual being dependent. The Individual change will not change the system but the system will change the individual.
As I said before, there is no significance of the individual, unless you are a leader. The only real unit capable of changing and sustaining that change is the collective, organized, and multi-ployed group. Individual voting isn't a guaranteed success, and it is definitely not democratic, or a situation when the individual has any control at all. Voting is seen more as a sentimental joke which draws on a false sense of loyalty and security, than it is deciphered as serious effective political activism.
That the self is a constructed mirror of the changing world basically. Your identity is largely a product of the world you interact with and ideas that are brainwashed into your head. The only natural thing we have is our anger and reaction to this socialization. Otherwise are minds are disturbed and abused in many different ways at earlier ages. And in a changing world, the current world, the self is just getting more and more lost into robotism, since the world is not changing positively.
Things are changing for the worst. We don't vote on issues, we vote on representatives. Who don't want to solve the root of those issues, and actually just want to contain and resurface these issues as if we are that stupid.
Kyler Jones: BM
File won't upload to moodle, and is too big. Lol
This benchmark so far was okay. It was easier than other bm's because you got to choose a medium which you knew how to use or were more comfortable with. I think I did okay with the benchmark. I tried my best to use imovie and talk, which isn't the thing I'm best. Yes I don't mind talking but I'm not good at it. So the talking part of the benchmark sucks, but I didn't know what else I could do about it. I recorded it over and over again tons of times.
Finding the facts was quite a challenge especially the push and pull factors for each exact decade.
I would focus on a specific country's immigration and not just a trafficking of random facts.
Are emotion- Kyler Jesse Antonio
Filmed by Kyler & Antonio
Starring Kyler, Antonio, and Jesse
directed by Antonio & Kyler
Crossing Borders
Crossing boundaries is an assignment where we record interviews of people and their stories who cross societal boundaries. I guess, social, or just anything out of the norm.I learned through this project that people actually take out the time to listen to these things called podasts. I culture of digiphiles i didn't even know existed, that aren't blind. But besides that, I learned that Puerto Rico is considered a third world country.I agree with the comments from my piers, they are absolutely right. My strengths in this project were being able to construct a nicely edited piece, I suppose.
Kiko Jones Entrevista
Language Essay
I’m drafting an essay for
english class when my teacher comes over and gives it a read. It’s supposed to
be about my feelings about language and how it relates to me and society. But I
end up writting a 2000 word manifesto about society, capitalism, imperialism,
and the english language. And what language is and how it changes the World and
defines cultures.
“ This is too much, this is a manifesto” says Ms. Pamohov.
I was honestly surprised at
myself, I knew that I went too far, but I didn’t expect it to go so far out of
the topic. How did I turn an autobiography into a complete historical
dissection of society?
Read anything by me one can’t not hear the terms “civilization” “patriarchy” “society”“objectification” “imperialism”“slavery” “myth” “Economics” “religion” “science” “hypersimplification”“Leftism” “capitalism” “poverty” “conquest”“rape” “nature”“zombies” “disease” “cosmetic” “superficial” “hierarchy” “indigenous” “lies” “land” and
My language is how I perceive the world, and how I see through the
chains and insanity of our society. Everything I see, I attempt or sometimes
involuntarily see how it relates to the centralized purposes of distant powers.
It all started as soon as I entered highschool. I just started to question
everything and see the truth.
When my teacher said language the first thing I could think about was how
different types of languages actually alter perceptions of reality, I thought
about the Nords taking over Britain and giving the English language swear
words, and I just couldn’t help thinking cultural white-washing, and the
stupidity of relationships built on pretence.
Now I think about how seriously far attached I am from my peers,
and the majority of this society. Most people don’t even truly understand what
“civilization” or “science” is. They don’t give a damn about “nature” or
“overshoot”. I often get laughter and smirks whenever I read things I journal
in history class. I’m not sure if it’s either jealousy, malaise, or
misunderstanding. Am I really that alien?
That’s why I rarely talk outside of class, no one to talk to,
nothing to talk about to them that won’t leave me saying something that sparks
controversy and arguments. Rarely can I go about daily activities without
comments or the input of other people, guess it just makes them uncomfortable
that they can be wrong and I can be right.
I can’t help to see the reality of traditions fully based on
cloth. It would be pointless for me to waste my time trying to censor and numb
my thoughts because of what is passively accepted and upheld in the mainstream.
My pier’s vocabulary only ranges from “Homework!”, to “Hipster”,
to “OMG!”. They may talk of every flavor of Snoop Dogg blasts, but they
would never talk about how many salmon are sacrificed in the manufacturing of
those disgusting beverages, like me.
They’ll talk about how awesome it is to get baked, I talk about how sad it is that marijuana is the only plant people think is worth saving. They say “iphone 4”, I say technology is not neutral. They say Obama to sound political, but I’ll talk about how he is just another capitalist warhead.
I’m not sure of whatever power that entitles me, or If I honestly gain anything from accept constant depression when I look humans.
“It goes without saying, then, that language is also a political
instrument, means, and proof of power. It is the vivid and crucial key to
identify: It reveals the private identity, and connects one with, or divorces
one from, the larger, public, or communal identity” In this quote from James
Baldwin’s “ If Black English, Isn’t a language, Then Tell Me, What Is?”, I
definitely don’t agree the “Black English” is language, but just a variant of
English, and I don’t think that language is the crucial key to identity- it is
agreeable that language is most definitely a political instrument for me,
separating me from public and or common thought and opinion.
I worry about language not on a basis such as what judgments
people are going to try to make about me, being that I’m black, or how I was
raised, or if I’m a know-it-all. As a political instrument I want to utilize it
to the best of my abilities so it can be understood by anyone regardless of how
well they know the English language, and I want my words to communicate every
passionate rage, every fact, and reality to inspire the cynic and nihilist into
actions. To cure the hedonists from his/her naïve ways, and to devastate the
perpetually blissful. If I intend to.
Just another day in the war against nature
I find myself silent, black hoodie up, lying down, arms covered over my eyes blocking the sun, what I see is the grass. The grass. And then-flashback.
I remember it was summer and this entire mini prairie that I crouch on now was alive with sunflowers, and various tall plants, like lavender. I didn’t know much about plants then (don’t know much about the now),but I knew there was something beautiful about this area that made me subconsciously venture there at my spare time, accompanied with my dog. The grass that I lay on now, was bright green and smooth then, and I always thought, this is here to stay, they-can-not-touch-it. As worn down and small fraction of what’s left of nature, it was still monumental to me, surpassing the awe of any skyscraper or city landscape you could see, To this day it is like a dying paradise. The grass passage way, always polished with dew, and the tall plants diverse with sunflowers, rabbits, spiders, hidden animals of all sorts, buzzing and moving with life. It was easy to get lost, and ignore the suburban wasteland on the other side of the creek.
So my spirit is back to the present now, in the same position, at birds eye view, I look as if I had fallen down and shielding myself from a bomb above. And then the grass I glimpse at, the grass of the now, the entire pathway, scarred by the tracks of construction machines. I’m still shielding myself, but I look away from the gruesome grass, and I try to look up ahead at the rest of the pathway. I always knew the pathway was finite. And at the end was more houses, but this time, the lovely trees that used to shelter the lost animals in it, were moving in the distance. I found this scary at first, for the fact that they were moving, but then I realized that their actually being commanded to move by the construction workers- and I’m scared at that fact even more. I sit up, and something is in my stomach. It’s the deer. The deer I saw a couple of weeks ago, there were so many that time. They were hidden, untouchable. But you saw them prancing so closely all along the half wood. Half wood, I should say nearly wood. And then they just disappeared.
‘ Oh yes I remember the deer, yes they’re shooting them off now because they are so overpopulated and lost out of their natural habitat.’ Said Justine Pierce.
Justine Pierce was a middle class, woman of bold age and bold wrinkles. She works at the Cobbs Creek Environmental Branch in Yeadon. She’s seen the same things I’ve seen. And cried the same tears, when the water department destroyed the land around the creek, last summer. I met her a last month, those were words she told me.
I watched a documentary a couple days ago called “End-Civ”, I remember a clip where an anonymous Earth First! Member talks about how they mark the trees they will leave during clear cuts. I thought about how those trees were scarred forever, as the WWII Jewish holocaust survivors were scarred for life with tattoos. Clear cuts are a holocaust. The Jews were devoured for profit, and the trees are devoured for profit.
Bears, I hear the sound of bears. Loud grizzly bears screaming, I want them to be bears. But I know they are the sounds of chainsaws and machines. And then there’s the laughter of the big bellied construction workers. They leave their coffee cups, Dunkin Donut wrappers, and gasoline tanks in on the soil. But I know I can’t be angry at them, because I know that they are just trying to make a livin’.I know they need to eat.
I walk to where there was once a beautiful landscape of trees, and I see a broken trashed up grave. And the trees, the trees, all of them piled up, past my head. Then I remember how in war they pile up the dead bodies, without proper burials. The soldiers get proper burials. I saw only a couple trees left, they were all scarred with the X’s, I saw a black cat run up the trees as my dog Poncho went after it. Then I remember all the animals that make these trees their homes. The nests these trees provide, the oxygen, they shelter the tops soil so that life can grow.
Between the sound of the construction workers laughing as they tore down trees on the other side of creek, the loud industrial roars of the chainsaws, why do I not feel shame. Why do I not feel the tears? I’m afraid to feel, but I’m even more afraid not to.
If pain is the only thing I can feel, than let me have the most miserable life I can. I don’t see the rationality in destroying your planet in the name of human progress.The earth is a finite resource, in fact it's not a resource it's a living thing. It’s not sanity to kill everything, in the requirements of a technological God? You can’t pay for the air you pollute, the water you blacken, the animals and land that we gobble up and replace with these deserts we call cities. We’re all guilty for when the time comes when we realize that our children can not eat money.
Español 2:Argentina ( Loth, Jones, Linton)
Why I Write
Writing is a tool for recording, yet I do agree it is another force that has been used for corruption and evil. It can be a platform for propaganda and complete fabrications. It's system can cause oppression,elitism in those who know more words and those who can write at all and it's unfair if not everyone learns to read, which is a global inequality.On the other hand, people write to say things that they are capable of saying face to face, but maybe don't have the stomach.
Writing is okay but the spoken word and storytelling will always hail in comparison.It's much better to physically interact with an actual human being, and have the social experience of actually connecting with another human being in front of you whether they are reciting a poem, telling a story, or expressing their opinions. I'd rather listen to someones views face to face, accent and syllable, spit glob to hand motions, body posture, and tone, features, facial expressions, volume and all then simply read it on a piece a paper, not really seeing how they breathe and withdraw sentences out of their thoughts and maybe even getting to build a mutual relationship with them.
You can write on the bus, and train, isolate yourself in your room or desk. But nothing beats taking someone on the train with you or speaking to an entire audience. Even if you are reading something you've written down, You can always add in other flows of thought, and new ideas your writing generates. It's all about the present moment.
But in modern times, I can't expect people to remember everything in their heads, through the constant chores, stresses, and tasks of modern institutions. So It is a pretty useful, but I like to get out and experience things.
You always travel to a bad writers house and punch them in the face, but how more convenient to punch them in the face when they are right in front of you.
Personal Essay
Personal Essay Draft
I trekked through the forest, my
heart racing. It had been raining for about three days straight, but now the
sun was out, the trees were webbed with dew, creating a green and yellow canopy
against the sky above. Little puddles of mud, and grooves of Nike shoes had
made their territory in the trail, I avoided them and layed down my own little bootmarks.
The creek was glimmering yet hiding below the steep hill that held out the
ridge Poncho and I were treading. Across the river the same miniscule selection
of Cobbs Creek park conservation along the polluted river vein.
I hear a little voice, a faint weight,
my father's words, in my heart: do not go through this trail ever. But as
usual, I never listen. Either my own arrogance, I'm a brat, or I just don't
give a crap. The path is long, but not too long. Extensive enough to not be
able to see the end halfway through. So you never know what's waiting for you
Referring to Poncho as subject, not
ownership as always, a fairly sized, lean ivory blonde German Shepherd. Dead on
arrival usually by every idiot who ever had a wolf hybrid or dog fear.
Peacefully paws on in front of me. At this time in my life, I was pretty
clueless has to how much of my love enveloped him. We always had this gentle, innocent,
brother sister orb of trust and cooperation between us, that people never understood.
Ignorant folk will think that he his a savage wolf that will eat their babies
and tear their legs apart. Not that wolves are savage creatures at all, it’s
just the mere look in their eyes when they see Poncho and I walking by on the
parkway, you can definetly tell what they are thinking. German Shepherds are
territorial, yet friendly and have a family guardian mentality. In the case of
Poncho Buddy Jones, he has a weird fascination for tiny children, and basically
anything who’s height is at eye level or smaller than him. I can’t count all
the times I was absolutely embarassed and frightened when he would go darting
after another dog, or even a little child. I notice he would never ever hurt
them, he’d dart and then sniff and treat them gently. It took me a long time to
learn to just let him socialize with other dogs, and mammals, because I know I
cannot control him. But in this episode, luckily, we weren’t on the parkway, we
were in the trails, partly a reason I chose to go this way. Luckily?
We had reached the turning point of the
trails, the turning point being the halfway. The halfway, where you can’t look
and see all the way forward, and you can’t look and see all the way back. It’s
kinda steamy, I look across the other side of the creek, and my heart jolts. I
hear a creak, and crepid disturbance in the branches.
Poncho is unaware sniffing at some mud
imprints. I am on full alert. If this was a cartoon my hair would probably be
standing up in the air. If I had a tail it would be erect on my back. If I was a
cat my claws would be engaging in the soil for dear life, and my back arched
and frisked in some middle eastern pose to calibrate the flexibility.
And between the leaves hidden, behind
the bushes, almost painted, a white tail cocked on grey hind legs and hips. I
flashback. I remember another time where this must have happened before. I know
what it is. But I am not sure. I am still scared. My heart is still pulsing,and
my shaken instincts telling me to go back, as if to leave the building at the
peak of a terremoto.
A few more appear, unfortunately I can
only see their backs. The grey hind legs and the white whisping standing tails.
I turn around with, yanking gentled yet briskly on poncho’s leash, and we rush
back out of the trails and into the park.
I sit here now, and muse over a
previous time when this happened. It was about midday, it was past snow, and I
was going through the trails from the community center. It was my first time
doing this. But I remember seeing the same running hind legs, and I remember running
for my life. Petrified, thinking they were wolves.
But they were dear, and merely that.
Not wolves, and not dangerous. Harmonious creatures I’d say. And at that day,
going back home through the park, I realized I had merely nothing but a shadow
of fear created in me, to be fearful of.
Element Print Project 2011
Some things my element is used for is the production of nuclear power,weaponry, and smoke detectors.
I came up with the idea for my print by researching the America Uranium fission bomb dropped over Japan in 1945.
The steps I took to make the final print were discovering the right picture to use, drawing it, reverse drawing it, carving it, printing is three times, and framing them all.
I thought this project was fun, practical, and will look good overall in the outcome.
What I would do differently was to to do some better carving so you can see the Uranium sign.
Quarter 4 benchmark
My portfolio is a demonstration of how much of a good student I can be If I try, and how I sometimes may not do my best because of time of sequences that don't work for me. The Odyssesy comapare/contrast, I tried my best, managed my time, and met was able to complete everything I needed for the assignment even though I did it in the last week. An example of a project gone right. Unlike my Mysterious Skin book review, It was rushed and incomplete in body and depth, It was obviously a fault of mine that made me not able to show off my best efforts. Throughout the entire semester my grade was a reflection of this repetitive unbalance of time, and organization.
2) Memoir Vignette: In this project we had to write a narrative about something that happened to us, that was impacting and played a role in how we grew up. I choose an event that happened to me when I was very young, which inspired my fascination for paranormal science.
In the summer of 2001, when I was only five years old, I was to become a member of a group of paranormal phenomenon fanatics and victims. What I witnessed when I was young may be a factor to my arms length detachment to society. Don't be afraid, for it was but a mere miscomprehension. And come to these years discovering that it wasn't really what I thought it was a t first. And maybe so the expanding mind of a five year old really did misinterpret but it happened. My mothers van another blur in the great big spectrum of cars we' own in the future years. Sitting in the back, seat belt strapped over my shoulder staring in amazement out the window. Eyes to see, eyes to learn. This ride is muted, like a slow dive. It's the time when summer trades in it's sun umbrella for a rake. My favorite time of the year, the weather at humble ease into a closer step towards peacefulness.
My mother is in the front driving, my baby sister Lindsey in the car right next to me as we head under the bridge into Kelly Drive. I remember always being scared when we went under the bridge. I always thought it would collapse over us, and we'd be goners. I still think that sometimes today.
The van cruised smoothly down the road. Right next to it brown river with a beautiful rainbow forest to the other side, with little dirt paths playing pick-a-boo with the travelers. A bikeway on our side with a little wooden bridge that connects you across the river. I stared out the window, the yellows, and greens of nature moving vastly through the window like a mosaic. We went around the curve, and I observed the river closely.
Brown and mucky it was, with all kinds of dead trees and plants creeping at the surface. My mind swallowed it whole. My heart stumbled.Eyes faltering to a blink. Face pressed up to the window. A humongous yellow creature emerged from the water. It stood in its brown puddles. The size of the house it was. Steadily moving in the muck water dripping from it. It was garbage truck yellow and had brown little patches of stains marked all over its monstrous body. Its legs were skinny and almost robotic. It had giant black fly eyes on an alien shaped head. And yellow antennas mutinous. It seemed to be praying, almost. And then I figured it out; it was a giant yellow grasshopper! It made a horrendous noise "SCREEEECCH!" As it maneuvered itself in the river. I wanted to scream. But we just drove on by. All the cars seemed to be driving on by. I was to pertrify to tell my mother. We drove on in to lost memories.
For years and years that scene stayed a bullet in my heart. I always believed it was a giant grasshopper. I had witnessed the paranormal. The pretend things. That's another thing that sparked my curiousity for UFOs. For years every Saturday morning I'd be on the Discovery Chanel watching UFO Files. Going on the computer and researching ghosts and any kind of paranormal happenings. The Church of Satan, Christianity, Exorcisms, Bigfoot, the missing, and unexplained creatures. All these things had become the center of my life. I had always thought all these years that I had witnessed the paranormal. I was a one of those people you saw on TV talking about being abducted, I was that country family who saw the flying saucer zoom across the sky. That was all I cared for, until I grew up.
Life it happens, but sometimes we do let our imaginations get the best of us. And now when I look back, I learn that I didn't discover some new species, but I discovered something more colossal. What I saw wasn't a giant yellow grasshopper, but a CATERPILLAR truck. Used for construction and destruction. Those big black eyes were probably bulldozers I was seeing. It's funny how strong the mind can fool you.
Memories painting pictures and illusions. I understood why there are so many crazies walking around believing that zombies will return from the dead and it will be salvation. People believing anything they hear. I was afraid so my mind made it all up. Fear is thoughts that distort reality. Thoughts that distort reality are lies, and thus imaginary. I like to laugh at what I though, but want to humble myself for the truth about life I have gained.
The 3)Odyssey Compare/Contrast:
In the Odyssey Compare/Contrast essay we were required to pick a character and or event of the Odyssey and compare it to another story/movie/ tv show. I chose to compare Athena of the Odyssey, and Lady Galadriel of The Lord of the Rings.
It is assuredly valued that the goddess Athena and Lady Galadriel are sage mentors of their time. Although the texts of The Odyssey and The Lord of the Rings take place in different times and settings, Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings elfy Lady of Lothlorien, and the Greek's virgin goddess Athena of The Odyssey both appear as guilders of wisdom and power in both stories. But just how do these immortal ladies meet head to head in similarities of their stories?
Athena and Lady Galadriel are different because Athena is a Goddess, and Lady Galadriel is a high Elf. Though Lady Galadriel is great in wit, Athena is known for her logic and intelligence, and Lady Galadriel for her fairness, calling her the Lady of Light. Athena is known as the Virgin Goddess, because she never married or had a lover, Lady Galadriel on the other hand is married to Lord Celeborn.
Athena and Lady Galadriel are similar because they both prophesize to help the main characters of their journey. In the book The Odyssey Athena predicts Ulysses' return to Telemachus " ...But come, tell me this and declare it truly, whether indeed, tall as you are, you are the son of Ulysses himself. WOndrously like his are your head and beautiful eyes; for full often we did consort with one another before he embarked for the land of Troy, where others, too, the bravest of the Argives, went in their excavated ships. But since that day neither have I seen Ulysses, nor he me."( Book 1: 178-210). And Lady Galadriel does the same thing to Frodo and Samwise Gamgee, by taking them to her Mirror of Galadriel and letting them look into the future of what could be if they don't complete their tasks. In The Fellowship of the Ring, she states,"' Like as not.' said the Lady with a gentle laugh.
'But come, you shall look and see what you may. Do not touch the water!'...' There's only stars, as I thought,' he Frodo said. Then he gave a low gasp for the stars went out. As if a dark veil had been withdrawn, the Mirror grew grey, and then clears. There was the sun shining, and the branches of trees were waving and tossing in the wind..." ( Book 2: p. 362) These quotes exemplify how Athena prophesizes the return of Ulysses and how Lady Galadriel lets Frodo and Sam see the future.
In conclusion, Lady Galadriel and Athena are both important and key characters in the books Lord of the Rings and The Odyssey. They meet head to head, by providing characters with gifts, prophecy, and help in near impossible situations. By highlighting the relation between Lady Galadriel and Athena, one can have a better understanding of the influence of ancient Greek mythology on later masterpieces of fantasy and literature by authors like J.R.R Tolkien.
5) Independent Reading assignment: Nineteen Eighty Four, in this assignment I do a review the book Nineteen-Eighty Four. I basically talk about the book
On June 8th
1949, the English author of the popular novel Animal Farm, George Orwell,
published the 326 page book Nineteen-Eighty-Four. The book was listed as number 13 on the 100 best
English-language novels of the 20th century.
takes place in the post-capitalist fictional dystopia
Oceania, which is supposed to be a model of future Britain thirty-five year after the book was
written. We find ourselves in a
totalitarian, collectivist,
oligarchical state, where state interference is apparent in a very
controlling manner, and all popular thoughts, and opinion reign. The story is
in first person told by the protagonist Winston Smith, who though works for the
central Party’s branch in changing historical records to make sure that
propaganda is always true, is actually very critical of Big Brother, the
dictator of Oceania, and is
throughout the entire story trying to find his way into a direct action of
rebellion. The conflict of the
story, is basically him trying to achieve some sort of independence and
revolution in a society where censorship is prevalent, actions and you are
constantly being watched. The main conflict in the story is Winston trying to
survive, trying not go completely insane in a police state where everything his
force fed and authority blankets every inch of land.
favorite character is of course Winston even though, how he ends up is very
much shocking and terrifying. I
can’t honestly say I favor any of the characters, for every character is not
very likeable, in fact they are all very bland, and it seems as if some of them
don’t even exist. People should
realize that this book isn’t even
about the characters, it’s about looking into a perspective and challenging
everything you know. One theme I took away from this book was definetly,
revaulating my opinions on authority, government control, economy, and
correlating these things to modern day society. Though fictional, I’d say this
book, is at the same time a gothic horror and an informative essay. Very
beautiful, eloquent, and explosively written. This book should without a doubt be read more than once,
because there is so much to take in, one can possibly not take in everything at
might just be one of the greatest books I’ve ever read and one of the greatest novels
of all time. Imagine, the “Catcher in the Rye” but the politically correct
version. One strength this book has is demonstrating perspective of the rebel,
and thoroughly exemplifying the mentality one who is against the grain. I
wouldn’t change anything about the book, I’d only read it again and again and
again. It introduces many political themes such as socialism, capitalism,
democracy, etc, so additional research should be done so you know about every
thick concept the book explores. It may be quite overwhelming because of the
intense word usage, so having a dictionary by your side is recommended.
conclusion, this book should be read by every sort of person, of every range of
abilities. Something about it taps into your brain, leaves you shocked,
possibly frightened, but eager to learn more.
6)Journal Entries: These are journal entries from this year that love.
Your environment shapes who you are because living in a certain environment can effect how you see the world.The things that you do in that environment, affect how you spend your free time, either it’s too dangerous to go outdoors, making you stay indoors, or your prefer going out in the jungle. What you see outside of your house for me, is what you see in the world. Either it’s a clean suburban slum, or a the gutters of the city, that’s what you have to show for your perspective of the world.
JOURNAL: 3/18/11
I didn’t feel anything when I encountered the word “nigger”. I would’ve been interested if I was in the 5th grade or something, but no. I don’t really think it means anything, it’s use is to evoke hatred and bad memories, but really when you get over it, it doesn’t affect you. It’s not the best come back, and it’s not even the best insult, people have turned it into something different, making it not really harmful at all anymore.
JOURNAL 3/24/11
I think Kevin will eventually end up having to adapt to the new world, or become insane and institutionalized.
JOURNAL: 4/5/11
Some of the expectations put upon me by others are to have good grades, good behavior, look the best, be in tons of extracurricular activities, and be everybody’s favorite. My expectations for myself are to basically be as secure with my own individuality regardless of what others say and not try to live up to other people’s standards and be content in what I feel is best for me. These expectations are way different because though, I am involved in an extracurricular activity, I’m not excited by most of them, my expectations are about being at what you think is your personal best, and doing things that give you purpose and meaning and not just being a tool for others.
Why Individualism is important,
Individualism is the freedom to do what we want as independent people. People are constantly bombarded into doing things that people in authority want them to do. It's important because if everyone was able to pursue their own goals, then we would have a stronger society as a whole.
Individuality can not work in this society because our structure is controlled
by government, money, and law.
Authority plays a role in desensitizing, spreading fear, and brainwashing
people into believing that we have the right to terrorize other humans and
animals as.Authority infiltrates anything ideologies and standpoints it has on
to others, and psychologically molests them of the rights to think for
themselves and act on their own will.
You take authority and see how imperialistic it is, and understand that
mankind is not free.
Money dehumanizes people, making them either slaving to a wage, begging in the street, or
Mini Project
Es muy sabrosa, y dulce.
The staff was amazing, professional and seemed like they new everything about what they were doing, and absolutely loved their jobs.
My favorite dish was jugo e mango, I loved it, I don't even like milk, but it was amazing.
Pen Pal Letter
Theres the link
Collectivism- the opposite of Individualism and America
It is important to know about collectivism because it is almost the exact opposite of individualism and they are both very strongly opposing philosophies. Having some understanding of collectivism will help you better understand individualism
Collectivism is the political theory that people should be interdependent on others and all conform to the same ideas and worship the goals of group than that of the individual. It's a broad term that expands to many different topics and politics. Collectivists believe in order to form the more common good that the people should be united as a whole live their lives for the community, nation, or society.
Collectivism stresses the worth of the group instead of that of the individual. Collectivism has been expressed strongly through political philosophies such as socialism, fascism, and communism. Examples of collectivism can be viewed in our society such as things as privately owned media, and corporate America.
Those are examples of collectivism in a federal constitution republic, capitalist, democracy with two political parties (republicans and democrats). If you think about it, even though we have a democracy it really is another form of collectivism because only the people who vote, and the majority's opinions rule.
Individualism can play out in America through capitalism, but it's very limited what you can do because of laws, government, coercive institutions such as school, and money. It's a system of working for others all your life and maintaining your lifestyle. Also, it becomes even more collective because you have to conform to others expectations, and if everyone has to meet those expectations than everyone eventually sells themselves to popular opinion, in order to have more freedom.
So freedom is limited, to how much money you have, and how others feel about you.
For example, one trying to enter the workforce knows that she may have to dress a certain way and act very friendly and be basically a yes-man for her boss in order to get the job. She wants the job because she needs the money to support her psuedo-bohemian lifestyle, she can't afford to dine at high end restaurants if she works odd jobs. So conforms herself to a common system of doing things in order to have more freedom and power.
That is an obvious idea of collectivism because she is molding her mind to the beliefs and behaviors of
the majority.
So America is unfortunately more collectivist than it ever will be individualist. Unless you are willing to break all rules than individualist. The moral worth of the individual does not exist in this society, because we are constantly told to fit into other people's molds, the legislative branch places laws that say what we cannot do, class and jobs create a hierarchy that people are defined by, and authority basically strips away the purpose of individualism because you have to be a slave to authority in order to gain some freedom ( which doesn't even exist because of the limitations of rules).
So it's justifiable to say that American is collectivist, in a very divided, organized, and clever way.
Jugo de mango
Jugo de mango
Tiene jugo de mango. Viene con milk o agua.
Es bueno para vegetarianos.
Predicción me gustaría. Parece vegetarianos y refrescado.
An introduction to Individualism
Individualism is the philosophical, and political belief of the worth of the individual and their desires are more important than what society, family, or institutions expect of them. Individualism is basically about not dealing with humans as numbers, and allowing them to exercise rights to provide for themselves and live their lives freely. The belief is a very narrow, straight to the root theory of how the human race should survive, because the entire philosophy is tied with government, and economy. I believe it is a huge issue in the world because in many parts of the world people are not allowed to exercise the right to pursue themselves. It is directly theorized that laws, family, society, government, religion, class,sex, race, traditional institutions (such as school, churches, etc.), and other concepts fence people in from true freedom.
So far, I've discovered the definition of individualism. I knew that individualism had to be tied into some form of anarchy, so that was certified. I am on the constant expedition on how I will start my paper. Will I start from the smaller part of the spectrum or the lower and grow out. I've realized that the entire project will mainly result in decomposition of capitalism, democracy, and political systems in general, and obviously point towards anarchy.
My next steps are to do tons of more research and plan everything, even though I think I have a plan. My goal in this assignment is not to criminalize everything outside of my topic but to compare it enough so maybe people can realize that it is some sort of issue.
La comida.
Las papas fritas con la pimienta y la mostaza.
El pescado, y la sopa.
Reflection Q3 Bm
Questions asked:
How does time influence music?
How does the music influence the culture?
How does pop culture in general compare to music?
What makes it different/or alike from other music from other periods of time?
Best Part: Getting to interview Mr. Nueman, and my mother.
Worst Part: Not being able to upload my slideshow i made because of the deadline. :(
" e1 U5 Mi Carta a Venezuela"
Art assignment
I basically had to use straightedge to and rulers to make the walls.
No it was challenging to make straight lines and everything perfect. It was more of a math project than a art project.
This is a smaller version of the drawing.
Gabe Beresin
Mi familia Grimm
RAndom Tech proj
Spanish quarter 2 bm
Spanish Q2 Benchmark 5
Spanish Q2 Benchmark 4
Spanish Q2 Benchmark 3
Spanish Q2 Benchmark 2
Spanish Q2 Benchmark
last spanish stuff for a spanish class
again more stuff for a spanish class
stuff for spanish
more spanish stuff
spanish stuff
Spanish work
My Slide re-edit
New one, I changed the fonts and colors or the fonts to make all the writing easier to see.
Basic greetings
What to say to them.
What they say back
What to say back.
¡Hola!= Hi!
¿Como esta?= How are you?
¡Muy Bien!= Good
Maso menos.= Okay
Menos.= Not so good
¿Y tu?=and you?
Igualmente= Likewise
Adios=good bye
Ave Que Emigra
“Ave Que Emigra” es un cancion sobre immgracíon, y enfermedad de llogar. Gaby Moreno es cantante, compositor, y guitarrista de Guatemale. Gaby Moreno es Latin grammy ganador, treinta y dos años. “Eva Que Emigra” se trata de specificamente ella quieres muy lejos, ser en Guatemale por que es el llogar de su infancia. La cancíon sobre su amor y appreciación de su patria. El tituló “Eva Que Emigra” describen comó se seinte igual un eva que emigra porque de imgración.
La tona de “Ave Que Emigra” es triste pero optimista. Las instrumentación y las letras explicán la tona de Gaby Moreno.Las instrumentación de “Ave Que Emigra” es guitarra solomente, pero las guitarra tiene acústicas luminosa.La instrumentación y las letras de la canción conviven por que la cancíon es un homenaje alegre de su infancía en Guatemale. Con un feliz guitarra, y cancíones, pero meloso lineas. Pienso la cancíon es dulce y apasionado. Gaby Moreno’s canto es muy felíz, y colorado.Frases que reptiten a me es la chorus,
“Vengo desde muy lejos
Buscando el azul del cielo
Siguiendo predicamentos
Vengo desde muy lejos”
La mensaje del chorus es a apreciar su casa y origin, y su infancía.“Vengo Desde muy lejos”La línea es significa por que esto explicá su emociones. Gaby Moreno siente nostálgico, y ella nunca no recorda. El lugar muy lejos es la idealismo.
Mi inicial reacción a “Ave Que Emigra” fue desinterés, pero cuando eschuchando más pienso la canción es bueno. Ahora, aprecio Gaby Moreno’s guapa canto, y sonido folk. Ya, soy un fanático de folk género.La musíca de Gaby Moreno es única.Tengo un connexión personal con la canción por que tengo un luego de mi infancia que adoro.Para mi, la canción es simplimente balada. Apprendo a las demas conectan profundamente con sus las países de origin.