Joy Morrow Public Feed
Joy Morrow's Capstone
Since I could remember, I have always wanted to be a teacher. I would study the way my teachers moved, the way the deciplined, and most importantly the way they thought. Something about giving back to my community has always been something I had a passion to do and what better way could this be done then teaching. Because we had the luxury of deciding what we wanted to do for our senior project, I thought what better way to start looking into what I want to pursue in my adult life. With this I tutored kids at my middle school math mathematics. When I noticed that I was facing a lot of different problems, I then decided that I would create a website to help future tutors prepare for what they had in store. On my website you will find tips on how to be a better tutor and also how to make tutoring something that the students hate coming to.
There were a few things that came to me once I was finish with the tutoring sessions. One was that everything does not come easy and there will be challenges along any road you take. Two that I would prefer teaching high school kids instead of middle school because they give me a headache. I hope you enjoy the cite!
Joy's Tutoring Workshop! (click here)
"How to Teach." WikiHow. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Jan. 2015.
What this source basically does is give an overview on the rules and the steps of becoming a good teacher. When reading the source, I wouldn’t label it unreliable or reliable just based on the simple fact that it is giving steps on how to get children involved, Its not really a fact sheet website that has to have everything in the article be correct. I think this tool will work best when I am becoming impatient with the children and don’t really know what else to do with them.
"Adding Integers." Teaching Channel. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Jan. 2015.
What this source talks about is the different techniques in making sure that a teacher/mentor are keeping the children involved. It goes on to talk about how people think that math is automatically hard so they just basically count it out so helping kids through math is a little bit harder. This source seems to be very reliable because it is first hand a math teacher talking and giving his input about how to be a good math teacher and how to make sure the children aren’t given up.
"Math / Overview." Math / Overview. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Jan. 2015.
The source talks about basically what a middle schools math curriculum consists of and the order that it should be taught in. It also shows the different levels of math within each grade. This source seems to be reliable because there are a lot of math things that I remember learning that is on this list. This source also seems reliable because it is something that an actual school is teaching its children so therefore it must be effective. This source also seems reliable because it gives links to different math website pages that has good ideas on different ways that each topic should be taught.
"Study Guides and Strategies." Tutoring. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Jan. 2015.
This source gives an outline on how to be a good tutor, It also gives details on how to to improve your tutor skills. For example, one of the steps say go out and learn more about the subject that you are tutoring. This website also talks about how a good tutor has to maintain patient. This site seems reliable because it gives good steps and Ideas that I could see actually helping me when I am teaching/tutoring a group of kids. I also think that this source is reliable because it has links at the bottom of the webpage of where all the ideas came from.
"A Tutor's Guide." By Ben Rafoth. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Jan. 2015.
This source talks about how tutoring is not easy and the steps that it takes for a tutor to be a great tutor. This source also comes from a chapter in a book created by a man who was a professional tutor. I believe that this is a great aspect in making this source reliable. I say this because the person who is writing this has actually experienced the life of a tutor, he knows the ends and out of the tutoring life and the best way to get through and help the people that I am tutoring the best way possible
"Being an Effective Tutor." Being an Effective Tutor. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Jan. 2015
Just like the other sources, this source gives you steps on being a tutor . However, this source breaks the steps down of being a tutor. It says that an effective tutor assigns assignments that the tutee should get done. I think that this source is reliable because the information that it is giving seems to be ways that really help tutors be great tutors. When you take into account the different skill levels that tutors need to have it is crucial that they stay up on what they are tutoring and this site made that very clear
"Adolescent Psychology The Most Difficult Transition Phase." Adolescent Psychology The Most Difficult Transition Phase. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Jan. 2015.
This source talks about the social state that the student will be in that I am mentoring. It gives me an idea of how this is the hardest transition period of their life and how it is hard for them to keep focus on something that they really don’t care about. What this source basically does is talk about how to handle the age group that I will be tutoring and what it takes to make sure that they are feeling as comfortable as possible. I think that this source is reliable because it came from a doctors office that studies the children.
"Strategy of the Week: Rewards." Education World:. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Jan. 2015.
This source gives me good ideas on different rewards I can give the kids when they do good or when I find out that they have improved at the end of the tutor session. This source
also breaks down the rewards in the different grade groups and what is important about the rewards you give and the time that you they receive the reward. This source is very reliable because it "Strategy of the Week: Rewards." Education World:. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Jan. 2015.This source talks about the social state that the student will be in that I am mentoring. It gives me an idea of how this is the hardest transition period of their life and how it is hard for them to keep focus on something that they really don’t care about.
"What are the jobs of A tutor." Being a great tutor Tutor. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Jan. 2015
This source talks about how tutoring is not easy and the steps that it takes for a tutor to be a great tutor. This source also comes from a chapter in a book created by a man who was a professional tutor. I believe that this is a great aspect in making this source reliable. I say this because the person who is writing this has actually experienced the life of a tutor, he knows the ends and out of the tutoring life and the best way to get through and help the people that I am tutoring the best way possible When you take into account the different skill levels that tutors need to have it is crucial that they stay up on what they are tutoring and this site made that very clear
"Great rewards" By Ben Rafoth. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Jan. 2015.
This source talks about how tutoring is not easy and the steps that it takes for a tutor to be a great tutor. This source also comes from a chapter in a book created by a man who was a professional tutor. I believe that this is a great aspect in making this source reliable. I say this because the person who is writing this has actually experienced the life of a tutor, he knows the ends and out of the tutoring life and the best way to get through and help the people that I am tutoring the best way possible I believe that this is a great aspect in making this source reliable. I say this because the person who is writing this has actually experienced the life of a tutor,
Raising Gas For Good
My dad was never home. He was either at work figuring out how to create a cure for all disease that sea creatures could have or at the bar down on Lambert St. When I did see him, it wasn’t something that I looked forward to. He also would nag me about cleaning my room or keep a B average in school. Every since mom left, he never really showed me any type of positive attention. It went from,
“Hey Jenny, you need anything?”
“Hey Jenny, how was school?”
“I never see you doing shit, get your lazy ass up and do some homework.”
This made me wish that he was the one to go instead of my mom. My mom had left us roughly 3 years ago. She never really told me why. I remember about a year ago receiving a postcard from Hawaii that simply said,
“Hey Jenny it’s mom. I’m doing much better. The people out here are so wonderful and I found a new man that showers me with gifts and pays me all the attention that I need. I think I might marry him. Toodles!”
I guess she was receiving the cold shoulder from my dad that I am now receiving. I mean, my mom was never really there either. She was too busy tying belts around her arm to find that perfect vane to eject herself with drugs that she never really gave me the time of day. However, I would prefer a lifeless body laying on the couch for 3 days straight, then a mad scientist that gives me his ass to kiss as if I had done something to him. But hey, I couldn’t exchange the piece of shit parents that God left me with.
I was in my room painting when my dad knocked twice and came in,
"Get up Jen, you're going with me today."
"Going where?"
"Stop asking me questions, and get washed. Meet me in the car in 20 minutes." He walked out my room and slammed the door
The ride to the lab was much different from the last time. The old crumpled buildings were replaced with tall apartment buildings, so tall that when I tilted my head back to see the top of the building, it hurt my neck if I stared too long. It took us about 30 minutes to get to the lab and about another 20 for us to sign in.
The first time I came here I was probably about 5 years old. I know thats too young to remember a lot of things 10 years later but I don't remember going through these procedures.
In order to be allowed in the Lab, I had to get my finger scanned to make sure I was a United States citizen. A nurse wearing a all white jumper then dug a 6 inch needle in the side of my arm that felt like it was sucking the life out of me. She then took what seem to be a pint of my blood and squirted it into a tube. The tube turned a bright yellow and a bright green "A" ran across the screen that the tube was connected to . The giant double doors sled open and my dad and I walked through.
"What was that tube, and why did it glow up?" I asked
"Its to make sure that you weren't ill because if you were, you would not be allowed in the Lab. And if you were ill, The tube would turn blue, and the darker the blue the higher your level of of contamination would be. In some cases the nurse would have to.. Never mind"
I didn't ask anymore questions. I knew that if I did, my dad would stare at me so hard he would burn 2 holes on the side of my head.
We walked down about 20 different hallways before we got to to the room marked “ML Testing 213”. If anything, this was the only thing that I remembered the last time I was here. I knew that once these doors opened I would be greeted with the most beautiful sea creatures god could have ever created.
As we walked through the doors, I noticed something was very different. The room was quiet and deem. There were tall black drapes that started at the top of the ceiling and dropped down 2 inches before the ground. I reached for a string that seemed to be the key that opened the drapes when I felt my dad yank my shoulder and stare at me blankly.
“Jen, I promise you, what you remember being here is no longer here. “
What do you mean, aren’t there still fish?”
“There are, but they are much different, much much different.”
“Im sure its not that bad.” I reacher for the string.
My dad grabbed my arm again and with a stern look he said, “I warned you.”
I snatched away from him and pulled the string as quickly as possible. When The drapes were completely open, my eyes grew wide and I stepped back.
The fish were still here however like my dad said they were much different. So different that I could not take my eyes off of them even though I wanted to. Some had double heads with 8 eyes, others had tentacles growing out of the place where there eyes would be and others were covered in brown bumps that oozed orange every time the inhaled the mud brown water they lived in.
“Why? What happened?”
“They are sick, I have been trying to cure them for about 4 years now. But every time I dump a different cure in the water it has created a different mutation.”
“You did this to them?” still staring at the tank.
“Not exactly. They were already ill internally. “
“So what are you going to do?” turning to look at him.
“I have made another potion that I believe is the answer. The answer to every single disease that aquatic life could ever have. All I need you to do is go get it out of the closet.” he pointed near the door.
I walked over to the closet. There was a keypad on the door meaning that it needed a code. Unconsciously, I typed in my birthday and the red light that glowed so brightly turned green. I reached into the closet. There was a tube that was similar to the one the nurse squirted my blood in, the only difference was that it was much larger and inside the tube wasn’t liquid. There were little fish the size of a quarter that swam back in forth so fast that I didn’t even know what they were until I stared for about 30 seconds.
“Come on, Jen, Bring them to me,”
“What are they?”
“I will dump them into the tank. This is the cure.” he grabbed the tube from me and stared at the tube as if he was amazed by what he was seeing “Help me.” he shouted to me as he tried to climb the ladder to the top of the tank where there was an opening for food.
“They are called Micro Aqafinic bots. Once I drop them into the tank, they will swim in the heads of the fish,” he continued up the ladder, “they will than arrange the fish brain cells so they can send a steroid like substance to the fishes white blood cells. This will than make the fishes white blood cells strong enough to kill any disease that tries to enter the body of the fis....”
Before he could finish his words, we both were on the floor. The ladder had snapped into two and fell from the side of the tank. The top to the tube was across the floor and the bots were everywhere. I looked to my left and I noticed that my dad was laying on the floor lifeless.
“Dad !.” I tried to get up and move to his body but something was holding me back. I felt a stinging pain on the bottom of my right leg. I pulled my pants leg up and one of the bots were crawling up my leg. It had broke my skin and was making it’s way to my brain.
“Ahhhhhh!” I screamed “Dad! Help me! Help me ! I cant get it out.”
But there was no response. I was too focused on how I would get the bot out my leg that I didn’t notice the pool of blood around my fathers head until it was too late. I clawed at my skin but it would not stop crawling. I felt it maneuvering through all the blood vessels and ligaments that were once placed so neatly in the muscles of my hip now being torn to shreds. My side, my shoulder and then my ear, the bot had finally reached its destination. I dug at my ear but there was no turning around. The bot had made its way in my ear and before I knew it my head had hit the floor and everything became a blur.
“Dad..” I said in a faint whisper reaching towards his direction and then the room fell black.
I was awaken to a room filled with big white lights. I attempted to hold my head up but there were wires that ran from my forehead to a machine that would not allow me to do so.
“What is this? Where am I?” I attempted to yank the wires out of my head but they would not budge.
“Get these off of me ! ”I screamed so loud it made my throat hurt. I heard the clicking of heels as the ran to my bed side. Within 20 seconds, there were about 5 nurses wearing white jumpers standing over top of me. They all took turns looking at me and by the glow of their eyes, I knew they saw something that surprised them.
“What? What is it?”
but no one responded.
I looked to my right side where the machine was placed that feed the wires to my head to see if there was a way for me to detach the wires but I found something different . The machine contained a blank screen which made it possible for me to see my reflection. Well, the reflection of what I was becoming. I reached to touch my face in disbelief of what I was seeing.
There was green slime falling from my eye socket and the soft skin on my checks were replaced with rock hard scales. I tried to get up but the place where my feet once were was replaced with webbed feet. I fell back in disbelief. I heard as the monitor that I was connected to beep in an extremely fast past. Everything became a blur again, but I saw as the nurses put on gloves and started hitting buttons on the monitor. The room fell black and all I could hear were high heels clicking as they scattered to and from my bed side..
One yelled, “We have to operate!”
When I opened my eyes, I was back to normal. The scales were gone and my beautiful soft skin was finally replaced. I looked back at the monitor and watched as my soft black hair fell over my face. I wiggled my toes to make sure that those too had changed back and they did. The wires were still connected to my head but they were much longer now and I was able to get up.
There were big glass windows but I couldn’t see what was on the other side. I remember this room when I was younger. This is where they would bring the test subjects so they could inject them with their latest creations. But I was no longer someone who observed a test getting ran on a species. I was the one getting tested. I looked around the room and noticed a white jacket with a black collar like my dad wore to work.
“Dad?” I thought “Where’d my dad?”
There was a thin remote next to my bed that had a woman silhouette on the side.
I clicked the orange button and in about 1 minute a nurse was at my side.
“Where is my dad? Why am I in here? I want my fucking dad right now!”
“Please Please just calm down.”
“I want my dad! Let me the hell out now!” I screamed.I hit her in the side and she flew across the room I had never been this angry before. My chest was beating so fast that I could see the print through my shirt. My face began to turn read and hot. When I went to wipe away what I thought was tears, I found the same orange slime as before.
the nurse got up and pressed a big red button on the side of the wall. A loud alarm went off that made me grab my and rage built inside of me. The webbed feet and the scales returned but not just on my face and feet, they were everywhere. I jumped up and the wires did not detach from my head. I yanked them so hard that they finally came off with about 21 scales flew off of my face.
“Ahhhhhhh!” I screamed and fell to my knees. I reached for the spots on my head where I expected the scales to be missing from. But just that quick they were replaced with new ones.
I saw the knob on the door twist and I knew that I had to hide but it was too late. The nurse I had hit across the room had regained her strength and was making her way towards me. I jumped up and grabbed her by the mouth and pulled her behind the door. In barged a man wearing all black with some sort of gun in his hand. I grabbed a serigen that I saw on the table that was next to door the door and walked slowly from behind the door with the serigen pointed towards her neck.
“ Let me out of here, and if you try anything I will plunge this needle so far into her neck you won't be able to get it out.”
“Calm down please, we will not hurt you. We are here to make you better. Please just let her go and let us take care of you.” the man said.
I could not bring myself to let her go. I saw as the man reached out towards me and before I knew it the serigen was no longer in my hand but hanging from the nurse’s neck. Blood gushed everywhere.The man dressed in all black plunged on the floor to catch her before she fell and by the time he touched her lifeless body I had slid past and made my way for the door.
I ran faster than I ever did before. I did not know where I was at but I knew I had to get to water quick because as I ran my hand on my scaly face, it felt dry. Everything felt dry. It was so hard for me to breath the point where I was panting and fell to the floor every 10 steps as I was running. My mind could not think of anything else but water.
The alarm was still going off and I heard footsteps running behind me.
“Stop her! Someone stop her !” a distant voice shouted.
I had came across a room at the end of the hallway that read “Releasing 23”. This was the first door I saw that did not have a lock so without hesitation I barged in. In the room was as flight of steps that looked as if it lead to heaven. I had no other choice but to climb, I was extremely clueless as to where the stair cases leaded.
When I finally got to the top of the staircase, there was a big glass window with a door in the middle. Behind the window, it seemed to be an ocean.
“Water!” I thought, and without hesitation, I reached for the doorknob. As my hand touched the doorknob, a shock ran through my body that made me fall to the floor. My body was stunted and it was extremely hard for me to get up. Before I knew it, bars that looked like they belonged to a cage began to rise from the floor. I grabbed on to the bars in an attempt to get up but just like the door knob, a shock was sent through my body.
“A trap.” I thought, but it was too late for me to do anything about it. I still has not reached the water that my body so desperately needed and on top of that I was being electrocuted.
While I was laying there, I noticed that the alarm went off. I laid on the floor lifeless.
About 2 hours went pass when I heard a buzz noise indicating that someone had entered the room. I laid there stiffly as I heard the screeching sound of heels clicking up the steps.
“Jenn..” a male voice said to me softly, “Jenn, look at me. We are here to help you.”
The voice was so familiar. But I knew it was no way possible for it to be who I thought it . I did not have enough energy for me to turn around and see who it was. My eyes were so dry that they would not open no matter what.
“Jenn, turn around Jenn. Im going to help you, I just need to know that you are not going to hurt anyone else.”
I Felt someone stroke the tear away from my face and continued speaking
“Jenn, I’m so sorry I am the reason this is happening to you.”
I could not believe it. It was so hard for me to open my eyes but when I did, I was blessed with the presence of my father. He looked health and unharmed.
“I thought you were dead,” I bursted out in cries, “Daddy, I’m so scared. Please let me out of here, I want to go home.”
“We will, but it will take some time. I have to sedate you so we can operate. just stick your arm through the bar.”
“Okay,” a tear rolled down my face, “Just promise me you won’t leave me here dad promise.”
“I promise, Jenn.”
I stuck my arm through the bar and I watched as my dad stick a 6 inch needle through my scales. I drifted off slowly and before I was completely asleep, I noticed one of the nurse who came up with my dad pull out a remote, point it to my father, and click a button and just like that he was gone.
I couldn’t scream. The liquid that the hologram of my father injected into me made me extremely weak and just like before, my head fell smack to the ground and the room fell black.
When I woke up, I was in a room that looked like a one room apartment, it had everything I ever needed for the rest of my life. I scanned the room, and I noticed, that this is where they planned to have me for the rest of my life because there wasn’t a door insight. Next to the bed was a huge tank, big enough to fit about 4 adult whales.
This reminded me of the fact that I was now a subject in their experiments and I grew angry. I kicked the tank constantly. I picked up any and everything that I could see and threw it at the tank.
“Stop it subject 453 before we have to shock you!” a loud voice ran through my room.
I didn’t pay it any attention. I picked up heavier and harder things which created long cracks through the tank, the voice grew stern,
“This is the last time. Subject 453 stop it now!”
I screamed to the top of my lungs and began to bang at the side of the tank. I heard a buzz noise like before that indicated someone was coming in but there was no door. The top of my ceiling began to rise and down fell 3 black boxes. There were wires that flew out the boxes and connected to every part of my body. Before I could react my body was already shaking outrageously and there was nothing I could do about it. I fell to the floor and orange slime ran out my eye socket. A bright white light lit up the room and I laid there lifeless.
“Im done please just turn off the light”
I realized that my life would never be the same. I was going to be stuck on this hell hole until I died and there was nothing I could do about it. I was stuck in the body of an unknown creature and I had no choice but to donate my body to science.
Q3 Art drawings
Newtons way of Change
To start off, I want to say that I went to multiple trials and errors in order to come up with my final product. Creating good art that is able to speak and explain to the audience without actually speaking is very difficult, however it is something that I am very good at.
Just like everyone else, I was given the task to answer one of my 11th grade essential questions which was “What is the role of individuals in creating and sustaining change?”. Below is a brief description of h I came up with the idea of my painting, and what It represents.
FIrst, I wanted to focus on a person that changed the world. I didn’t want to focus on someone that represented an ordinary American , but someone that was different. Early, in my english class, I researched up one of the greatest scientist of all times named Isaac Newton. I found that he suffered from a lot of different mental illnesses so what better person to chose. Next, I had to think to myself, “How am I going to show his role in creating and sustaining change.?” and that’s were I got my Idea from.
I wanted Newton to look different from the other people that were displayed in the painting, I also wanted them to look somewhat lost and show lack of individuality. This is what made me come to the conclusion that I would make the people faceless and make them all have the same body shape. I then wanted my painting to show the Newton is some how letting them know that It is okay to me different and have some type of malfunctions on your way to success. This is what drew me to the conclusion that I wanted to have a path that is interacting with newton and that was also curvy to show that there is no straight path to success.
In the large picture of Isaac Newton, there is his successes and his inventions on his face , and on the outside written throughout the picture there are his distractions and his disorders. I did this to show that majority of the time, your good out weighs your bad and in Newtons case that is what happened. He was a very successful individual who had problems along the way.
To go with the idea of the good out weighing the bad, the path is a light bright orange and the background where the faceless people and his flaws are, is this dark royal blue.
At the top of the paint there is a quote that talks about change and hoe you have to change your thinking in order to change the outside world. Over all, I think this piece is very clear and it answers the essential question in many different ways.
Art Q2
What do We Expect?
Comparing Taming of the Shrew and the film Friends W. Benefits “Taming of the Shrew” is one of many plays created by Shakespeare. In this play, there are 2 sisters going by the name of Bianca and Katherine. All the suitors in the play want to marry Bianca because of her commendable personality. While their Father, Baptista, has to basically go and hunt for someone who is willing to marry Katherine because of her unpleasant personality. Throughout the play, the family comes across a suitor named Petruchio who is willing to marry Katherine, the only problem is that he has to tame her. There have been many films created that make this plays plot as their very own, however, the film Friends with Benefits have taken their own twist on things. In this film, there is a women by the name of Jamie who is having trouble like Katherine from Taming of the Shrew, finding a man who wants to marry her. One day on her job, she is assigned to assist this man named Dylan who is also having problems with finding a spouse, where they later become Friends with Benefits. throughout reading and watching both of these text, it is evident that women and men expect that they are going to find someone, and when they do, there are expectations that they have to fill, however, those expectations have changed over the years. "Thus in plain terms: your father hath consented That you shall be my wife, your dowry ‘greed on, And will you, nill you, I will marry you. Now Kate, I am a husband for your turn, For by this light, whereby I see thy beauty— Thy beauty that doth make me like thee well— Thou must be married to no man but me, For I am he am born to tame you, Kate, And bring you from a wild Kate to a Kate Conformable as other household Kates. Here comes your father. Never make denial. I must and will have Katherine to my wife. " (Act 2, Scene 1, lines 259-270) When this quote was stated, Petrucho and Katherine just got news that they were going to be wedded. Petrucho was flattering Katherine but sarcastically about how good of a person she was. He also goes on to describe what he expects from Kate. Kate went back and forth wit him about how is trying to insult her and that if he wants someone to do something he expects her to. There where similar traits from the scenario above that protruded out in this scene below from “Friends with Benefits” In this scene Dylan is now on a blind date. The girl however is not all what he expected. She is annoying, chafing and extremely childish. He goes on to making faces that show that he does not want her around him and that she is not meeting his standard and expectations as someone he sees himself compatible with. The two scene described above shows exactly how the expectations of a man for a women and vise versa ha has changed today. During the time that Shakespeare wrote “Taming the Shrew”, it was expected for the women to submit to her man. It was expected and more of requirement that whatever the man ordered the women to do she had to do it, no if ands or buts about it. The quote above shows that Petruchio expects his wife to submit to him and give show great servitude towards him or she is not demonstrating good traits of a wife. On the other hand, there is Dylan, were all he expect from his spouse is someone who loves him for him . SOmeone that is suitable to live with and someone he is able to have a decent relationship. Dylan is expecting to find some one out there who is not going to chafe him and some one who is going to be easy to live with and love. It is quite evident that the characters of these text expected different things from their women. "(to BAPTISTA) I pray you, sir, is it your will To make a stale of me amongst these mates? (Act 1, Scene 1, line 57-58) Translation “May I ask, sir, if it’s your intention to publicly humiliate me, showing me off like a whore in front of these suitors?” (Act 1, Scene 1, line 57-58) Before Katherine stated this to baptista who is her father, she was in an argument with the suitors. They were basically all telling Katherine that they were not there to marry her but they were their to marry Bianca because Katherine was too much to handle, THis quote shows that Katherines expects that she will find a man without flaunting around what she has and without having to have sex with them so that they want her.
In the film, friends with Benefits, Jamie is going through similar things illustrated below. This image took place after Jamie had just had sex with this guy that she thought was the man of her dreams. When she went out to get both of them coffee, she turned around and he was leaving. He then said basically that he does not want her. This moment resembles exactly what Katherine is going through in Taming the Shrew. The both expect that they are not going to have to have sex with a men so that he is going to be willing to stay with her. They both expect that they can be with someone and that they are going to except them for who they are not what they can do for them. What happened in Friends with Benefits to Jamie is slightly different in What happened to Katherine in Taming the Shrew. In friends with benefits, Jamie can have sex guys out of wedlock. However in Taming the shrew Katherine can’t. This makes the situation different because the men in modern day have a different expectation than the men during the time Taming of the shrew was created. The men in modern day, expect that they are going to have sex with you out of wedlock and/or whenever they want. While the men that were around during the time Taming of the Shrew was created know that in order to have sex with a women, they were going to have to mary. Taming the Shrew and Friends with Benefits both have similar plots. Being as though they were placed in different times, those plots are also different. Friends with Benefits is focused more around sex while Taming the Shrew is focused more around power and control balance in a relationship. However, the expectations in a relationship are some somewhat similar and different. This showing that regardless of the time that you were born in, relationships are going to have some compartments that are the same and some compartments that are different. |
Shakespeare, William. Taming of the Shrewd. Ed. Barbara A. Mowat and Paul Werstine. New York: Washington Square, 1992. Print.
Friends with Benefits. Dir. Will Gluck. Perf. Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis. Sony, 2011.What do We Expect?
Comparing Taming of the Shrew and the film Friends W. Benefits “Taming of the Shrew” is one of many plays created by Shakespeare. In this play, there are 2 sisters going by the name of Bianca and Katherine. All the suitors in the play want to marry Bianca because of her commendable personality. While their Father, Baptista, has to basically go and hunt for someone who is willing to marry Katherine because of her unpleasant personality. Throughout the play, the family comes across a suitor named Petruchio who is willing to marry Katherine, the only problem is that he has to tame her. There have been many films created that make this plays plot as their very own, however, the film Friends with Benefits have taken their own twist on things. In this film, there is a women by the name of Jamie who is having trouble like Katherine from Taming of the Shrew, finding a man who wants to marry her. One day on her job, she is assigned to assist this man named Dylan who is also having problems with finding a spouse, where they later become Friends with Benefits. throughout reading and watching both of these text, it is evident that women and men expect that they are going to find someone, and when they do, there are expectations that they have to fill, however, those expectations have changed over the years. "Thus in plain terms: your father hath consented That you shall be my wife, your dowry ‘greed on, And will you, nill you, I will marry you. Now Kate, I am a husband for your turn, For by this light, whereby I see thy beauty— Thy beauty that doth make me like thee well— Thou must be married to no man but me, For I am he am born to tame you, Kate, And bring you from a wild Kate to a Kate Conformable as other household Kates. Here comes your father. Never make denial. I must and will have Katherine to my wife. " (Act 2, Scene 1, lines 259-270) When this quote was stated, Petrucho and Katherine just got news that they were going to be wedded. Petrucho was flattering Katherine but sarcastically about how good of a person she was. He also goes on to describe what he expects from Kate. Kate went back and forth wit him about how is trying to insult her and that if he wants someone to do something he expects her to. There where similar traits from the scenario above that protruded out in this scene below from “Friends with Benefits” In this scene Dylan is now on a blind date. The girl however is not all what he expected. She is annoying, chafing and extremely childish. He goes on to making faces that show that he does not want her around him and that she is not meeting his standard and expectations as someone he sees himself compatible with. The two scene described above shows exactly how the expectations of a man for a women and vise versa ha has changed today. During the time that Shakespeare wrote “Taming the Shrew”, it was expected for the women to submit to her man. It was expected and more of requirement that whatever the man ordered the women to do she had to do it, no if ands or buts about it. The quote above shows that Petruchio expects his wife to submit to him and give show great servitude towards him or she is not demonstrating good traits of a wife. On the other hand, there is Dylan, were all he expect from his spouse is someone who loves him for him . SOmeone that is suitable to live with and someone he is able to have a decent relationship. Dylan is expecting to find some one out there who is not going to chafe him and some one who is going to be easy to live with and love. It is quite evident that the characters of these text expected different things from their women. "(to BAPTISTA) I pray you, sir, is it your will To make a stale of me amongst these mates? (Act 1, Scene 1, line 57-58) Translation “May I ask, sir, if it’s your intention to publicly humiliate me, showing me off like a whore in front of these suitors?” (Act 1, Scene 1, line 57-58) Before Katherine stated this to baptista who is her father, she was in an argument with the suitors. They were basically all telling Katherine that they were not there to marry her but they were their to marry Bianca because Katherine was too much to handle, THis quote shows that Katherines expects that she will find a man without flaunting around what she has and without having to have sex with them so that they want her.
In the film, friends with Benefits, Jamie is going through similar things illustrated below. This image took place after Jamie had just had sex with this guy that she thought was the man of her dreams. When she went out to get both of them coffee, she turned around and he was leaving. He then said basically that he does not want her. This moment resembles exactly what Katherine is going through in Taming the Shrew. The both expect that they are not going to have to have sex with a men so that he is going to be willing to stay with her. They both expect that they can be with someone and that they are going to except them for who they are not what they can do for them. What happened in Friends with Benefits to Jamie is slightly different in What happened to Katherine in Taming the Shrew. In friends with benefits, Jamie can have sex guys out of wedlock. However in Taming the shrew Katherine can’t. This makes the situation different because the men in modern day have a different expectation than the men during the time Taming of the shrew was created. The men in modern day, expect that they are going to have sex with you out of wedlock and/or whenever they want. While the men that were around during the time Taming of the Shrew was created know that in order to have sex with a women, they were going to have to mary. Taming the Shrew and Friends with Benefits both have similar plots. Being as though they were placed in different times, those plots are also different. Friends with Benefits is focused more around sex while Taming the Shrew is focused more around power and control balance in a relationship. However, the expectations in a relationship are some somewhat similar and different. This showing that regardless of the time that you were born in, relationships are going to have some compartments that are the same and some compartments that are different. |
Shakespeare, William. Taming of the Shrewd. Ed. Barbara A. Mowat and Paul Werstine. New York: Washington Square, 1992. Print.
Humanities Final Portfolio 2013
Before I entered English 2 of my sophomore year, i would have never thought that you could represent language in different ways. Language is not just a form of speaking but it is everything around you . Language can be displayed in poetry, different body movements different types of silent protesting and many more. In the past units that I have learned in English 2 different types of languages were brought to my attention multiple times.
While completing an autobiography that had to describe a time when language affected me the most, I was forced to notice that when I spoke to my bi-racial cousin, the way I was communicating to her made her feel uncomfortable. It wasn’t just the way I talked around here it was the way I moved when she tried to hug me or any type of affection she decided that she wanted to give. I didn't realize that when I didn’t speak to her I was still using body language that made her feel uncomfortable. So I changed the way I moved around her so she knew that I didn't feel any different about her than I did my other family (language autobiography). This displayed that the movement of your body is a language and you can speak with people that way.
After completing the language unit in English 2, we had to create a video that displayed what we thought language was, and how language affected you. Since language is more than just a form of speaking, in my video I labeled language as a variety of things in this video. The video simply goes over the fact that language is everywhere around you and you decided how you use language .
During our poetry unit, we were asked to describe what was poetry. I gave the definition: Poetry is when someone puts together a group of words that has a deeper meaning than meets the eye (English Journal 28) drawling the conclusion that poetry is just words. After discussing with the class and creating the poetry wiki (here) I also created a drawling to accompany one of my poems which said a lot but was not accompanied by words I noticed that poetry is more that just speaking, its art, dance, and anything you want it to be. Poetry is a form of language , and just like poetry, they both are more than just speaking.
Not only in English 2 did we learn that language is not just a form of speaking we also learned it in history. There was a time in india where the British were trying to stay in power and the Indians didn't want them to. Instead of using words such as threats , racial slurs or other things, the protested silently. They were communicating with the british that they had enough and didn't want to be colonized anymore in a silent language that the british understood. Showing that once again you don't have to to speak to show that you are using a language you don't even have to speak to communicate.
In (Journal 39) we had to discuss weather or not we believe violence is more power than non violence. I always associate nonviolence with language and silence. Before the unit I stated that violence is power, but after the unit I realized that non violence is power it shows you realization and it gives you a voice. Showing that language can be a fighting tool.
I have learned a lot in English class over these past 10 months, however I believe the power of language and how language can be more than words stood out to me the most. Like stated above language is everywhere. I don't believe that there is a definite definition for language because language is everything.
Journal #39
I believe that violence is more powerful even though in most cases it is not appropriate to use. I say this because people get what they want fast and more efficient if the use violence . Violence is also more powerful because you gain a lot of respect from people even though most people would categorize it as fear.
-over power people
-gets to ending
-forces things to change
-leads to destruction
-large audience
-Shows control
-leads to changing mind
English 28
How do you define Poetry?
Poetry: When someone puts together a group of words that has a deeper meaning than meets the eye. The words being used in a poem may not have the same meaning it does in a dictionary.
class definition: Poetry- the ay you express yourself using anything poetry is not a specific thing.
-deeper meaning
- actions/words
- Rhythm
EL Cambio Grande By: Elena Morrow y Santiago Koita
Podcasting Project
El Perro Perfecto
Language Autobiography,
In our english classes recently, we have been discussing different ways people use language and how language effects people. In my paper and video below it shows how language changed me and how langanguge has the ability to change people also.
Going from being placed in a community where there is no diversity to a community where your family members are the ones who are diverse is very difficult. In order to make sure that everybody is comfortable, there were some changes I had to make to my tongue. I couldn't say racial slurs that I would normally say when I was around a group of people that are just like me. I couldn't make jokes about other different groups ethnicities. I am stuck in place where I find myself having to change they way I talk around my immediate family and the way I talk around my general family.
“I can’t stand white people,” or “These damn crackers don't belong on this Earth” are common terms that you would hear coming out of the mouths of my immediate family, without knowing that these racial slurs could easily offended someone of the race being spoken about. I notice what is being said but I do not speak about it because it is something that I have grew up on. These types of racial slurs were normal in my house, besides the people who were being spoke about were not near so why did it matter, was what I always thought. My immediate family and I would talk about anyone who were not like us, black of course, when we indeed had people in our family who were of another race.
My cousin Alexander would always visit us. She was nothing like us. She was a tall white kid that lived in the suburbs with her tall white dad and his wife. Her mom was my aunt making her related to us but she still looked nothing like us. She was nothing like us, but the fact that she was my blood we had no choice but to accept her.
Alexander and I would always sit down and watch tv every since we were younger. While she would shout at a basketball game when somebody did a crazy move I would shout at the tv when a clothing commercial came on “Why the fuck they always putting these boney ass white bitches on tv,” or “I’m tired of seeing these white bitches, they look like walking ghosts.” Looking at my cousin, I would notice her glancing at me and I would try to cover up my bad words of choices with phrase that went like “I’m not talking about you , you know I love you cous” or “I'm just playing, I just want to see some chocolate jawns like me up there ” knowing deep down in the inside that I had hurt her feelings. Its clear that I had struggled with changing the way I spoke around different types of people. Although I didn't intentionally try and hurt her I had did so. It was time I learned how to change my tongue when around people other than my immediate family.
When I would hear my family talk about other groups of people, I would tell myself not to engage and for the first few weeks I had meet my challenge. When my cousin Alexander would come around I stopped myself from saying racial slurs around her, I had even eliminated them out of my vocabulary completely. I really felt as if I had changed my tongue.
I found a new way of speaking, I found a new voice. Instead of insulting an entire race or insulting anyone at all I made suggestions. I went from ““Why the fuck they always putting these boney ass white bitches on tv?” to “I would prefer if I saw more black women.” I didn't have to try and code switch my voices when I was placed in different environments because I spoke in a way that was comfortable for everyone.
People who have noticed the change in my speech would say that I'm changing who I am to be accepted or that I'm trying to be something that I am not. I would have to say otherwise. I have rearranged the way I use my tongue so that I am able to communicate with any and everyone. I am no longer a prisoner of language to the point where I say something at the the wrong time around the wrong people. Now when I am around or communicating with people who are nothing like me, with people who are a different race than me it feels even more comfortable for me because I have learned that the way you speak and the words you say highly affect the amount of people you are able to have a successful conversation with or even develop a decent relationship with.
defa rvtghj;oef from ashleyspells on Vimeo.
Keystone Pipeline XL Monologue Project
(Daequan is walking down the street and notices Ms. Willson on her step)
Hey Ms. Wilson... (Pauses to listen)
This weather is lovely isn't it..(pauses to listen)
Hows it going?... (pauses to listen)
(sighs) Well I'm not doing too well, I haven't had a job in 5 months. Schools about to start up again and I don't have any money to get Leah any clothes. This is Rihards first year in school and I don't want him to go to school feeling like he is less than anyone...(pauses to listen, walking up the steps to go sit on the porch with her)
yea I've tried looking online but no one is hiring any more or you need a certain degree and I only have a degree in construction … (pauses to listen)
Yea I've heard about the Keystone Pipeline, I also heard that they are debating weather or not if they should build it which to me should be in issue since it creates hundred of thousands of jobs. Only if they were to agree to build it I would be back on my feet... (pauses to listen)
Well , I did hear that it would pollute the air more than regular oil and would cause climate change but i have to look at how it would benefit me now. If they don't decide to build it I won't be able to put food on the table or pay the bills, we would become homeless. The issue of pollution wouldn't matter. Come on Ms. Wilson you know how hard it is to get a job out here especially being an African American...(pauses to listen)
I know if the air is polluted it would have an effect on my grandchildren and my great grandchildren but I have to look at it now , (getting sad) my children won't even be able to have children if I don't provide for them right now. Think about it, if they were to decide the pipeline that would mean the gas would be cheaper and I would be able to take you to the supermarket and get those sweet cherries you like and take you to the white folks neighborhood and buy you those fresh collard greens from the produce market...(pauses to listen)
I guess nothing will convince you that this pipeline is the best thing that can happen to people like me. People who don't have any other chance of work except this.. I understand, (starts crying) I need the money, I don’t care about what will happen in the future I am broke right now. Imma talk to you later, I have to go fill out the application to work...(pauses to listen, walking down the steps)
Just stop! Anything you say will not change my mind. Goodbye.
(Rondo sees the major of the city he lives in in Canada, he shakes his hand and begins to talk)
Hello Major Ashton I am Rondo White and I have come to you about the problem of the Keystone Pipeline....(Pauses to listen)
Well my concern is that this pipeline will destroy all living kind. It will destroy our air, destroy our water and cut down the amount of tree’s that we have...(Pauses to listen for a 3 seconds also looking as if he is confused)
Yes I am native to canada...(Pauses to listen)
Listen, I’ve heard all about the jobs that this project will provide for all of the people who live here and who live in the USA, but the amount of jobs wouldn't matter after the pipeline has done all the damage that it can do. If you all go forward with this the people of Canada will not be able to tend to their daily lives... (pauses to listen, the major says how?)
How you ask? (Chuckling) (in a rude way he says...) Please don't be so naive, you are building a giant pipe in the middle of our city, we as Canadians won't be able to go to our ponds and fish because the water would be so polluted. We won't be able to go hiking because the workers would be mining the trails and even worse, we can't even take a nice fresh breath of air because the air would be so polluted. The tar sands extractions releases 3 times more carbon dioxide then then the fuels we already use...(pauses to listen anger builds up in his voice)
(looking around with hands held out) Is this what Canada has become? The only thing that you all can talk about is how many jobs this pipeline creates are you all even concern with the fact that the well being of the people is at risk because of this pipeline...(Pauses to listen)
I understand that us as a people complain about how high the unemployment rate is and how high the gas prices are but do you really think building this pipeline will benefit our country more than it will hurt us?...(pauses to listen)
Sorry, I hate to interrupt you but if you build this pipeline there will be no reason for jobs because there will be no more people...(Pauses to listen)
Please enough already, I came to you because I thought you would understand me being a native Canadian but I guess we will never come to the same conclusion. (getting up) I already had a family member die from polluted air and I refuse to sit back and watch my whole country die. Thank you for your time ,but this isn't the last you'll see of me .
(Treesum is a tree that lives in a forest in Canada. Talking to a worm that is beginning to eat his leaf. )
Hows it going ? (Pauses to listen)
Well I am not in a very good mood. As I am standing here today, it has come to my attention that I will not be able to live on much longer. Before the humans where here this earth was beautiful. The air was fresher than ever, the water was clearer than grass and all my family was alive . Now the human race has put us plants through it all, but today is the day that I realize that it is getting worse then ever before. A little bird came to eat the wonderful seeds that i have to offer when it told me that the USA and Canada are planning to build a pipeline that runs through both of the countries. I am terrified. If they go through with this then we will be cut down (Looking around to the other trees, (beginning to get sad ). Even if they decide not to decide to cut us down we are still going to die because 90% of water that they use will be polluted and will be released back into the general population. When the extract the oil form of the tar sand they will release so much Carbon in that air that we will die from not being able to separate the oxygen we need from that disgusting carbon we don't want. (sighs) we can never win. They just don’t care, don’t these crappy humans no that we are one of the main reasons why the can take in good breaths but yet they are trynna tear us down. (getting angry) It's sad because all we do on a daily basis is trying to help them and all they do is kill us. If they decide to build this pipeline there are losing out on ever breathing a fresh breath of air. They are going to miss out on the wonderful scenery that we, as trees, have to offer.(Pauses to listen).
I know its sad (acts as if he hears a noise) Wait , What's that noise? They're here. I guess they really don’t care. (Truck gets closer, begins to try to cut down Treesum) Stop it... Please Stop it ! Ahhhhhhhhh. ( The construction works cut him down)
The Keystone pipeline will create hundres of thousands of jobs for people in the USA and Canada.
The world will never be able to recover if something goes wrong with the pipeline.
Humans have already used 2/3 of the natural resources that we have.
Americans dont need the oil, They waste nearly a million barrels a day.
The oil extraction of tar sands pollutes the air 3 times more than regular oil does.
The amount of carbon released by the pipeline will rise the climate by 30%
3) "Global Warming's Terrifying New Math." N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Oct. 2012. <>.
4) "Keystone XL Pipeline." Keystone XL. N.p., 21 Oct. 2012. Web. 21 Oct. 2012. <>.
Descriptive Essay: Why am I This Way?
After that, it had occurred to me that I would never be accepted for being the height that I am. It seemed that the more people I met the more people ridiculed me about being tall, comments anywhere from “You big as shit,” or “You're a giant,” or “You're taller than most men,” to “Why the fuck are you so tall?” I’ve heard it all. I always wonder will people ever accept the fact a girl can, also, be tall. That just because you past the average height of 5’6, that you're not a monster or a freak. When i was just a kid, I never noticed how my height was different from anyone else who was my age. We all always got the same treatment. I never felt like an outcast or like i was any different from anyone else. Yea, it was brought to my attention that i was taller than the average height but i never felt ashamed about it as i did now.
The media gives this image that the shorter the better. You never see tall females in pageants , TV shows, or movies without the press giving them a hard time. For example, I once was watching a hit series that went by the name “TMZ” when they began talking about the Kardashian family, from a reality show called “Keeping up with Kardashians”, and it stated that Khloe Kardashian didn't have the same father as her 2 other sisters because she was too tall. “She towers over her other sisters.It’s no possibly way that they are whole sisters.” one journalist said. The media has given people the image that taller women are wrong and out of place and it is OK to throw negative remarks at them if you feel that is the right thing to do. Every time I go on my twitter home feed its always has post like this “SHORT GIRLS: 4’11 5’0 5’1 5’2 5’3 5’4 5’5 #RT (ReTweet) if you see your height,” or “Fun Size is the best size.”When i see tweets like this a scence of rage builds inside of me. I can’t help myself but question god as to why did he make me the way i am. Why am i so different from everyone else.I true wonder how these post make females who are my height but also have low self esteem feel. If they make me feel like an abomination no telling how they felt.
Why can’t the American society see that we as a people are going through another evolution. The average height for the first Homosapien was 5’ for women and 5’6 for men. Now, the average height for a Homosapien, that lives in America, is 5’6 for women and 5’9-5’10 for men. The average height of a human being slowly but surely increasing.
La casa para Echols. "Alexis y Joy"
Esta casa está en Utah. Es más o menos grande con elegante muebles. Está cerca del el parque jugar frisby . También está cerca y la montañas porque le gusta “snowboarding”. Está lejos de el campo porque no aventura. Ella le gusta aventura, Echols es a afuera
tipo persona. En la casa tiene, una oficina, una balcón, una sotana, la cocina, el baño, la canch de frisby, la sala y dos habitaciones.El baño-
El baño es muy grande, limpio y increible. La muebles hay grande ventana,puerta, la tele, lavamanos, ducha, espejo y una pisa. La actividades es ducharse, usar el inodoro y vestirte.
La cocina es muy grande bonita y limpio. hay una estufa , una lavamanos, una isla grande, una nevera, cinco ventanas y dos puerta. En la cocina puedes cocinar, lavar los platos y relajar. Es muy de lugo.
La Sala-
La sala es muy grande preciosa y de lugo. En la sala hay unas tres sofás, una mesa de café, cuarto ventanas la puerta grande, la tele y tres la silla en el cuarto. en la sala puedes tiene tiempo de familiala, ver la tele, y relajar. Es muy perfecto.
La cancha de frisby, es muy grande parece auténtica. La muebles hay el gol y “scoreboard” también , máquina de vender de aqua. La cancha de frisby es muy simple pero conveniente.
Las habiltaciones
habitaciones es grande y elegante. En cada habitación hay un grande la
cama, dos ventanas, tres almurios, una puerta grande, la tele grande y
una silla de peludo . En las habilitaciones puedes dormir, relaja, leer,
y ver la tele. Es muy simple.
Solo cuesta: $350,000
Arquitecta: Señorita Echols
Negative Space Drawling
B. Explain how you found negative space in 1. your cut out? I found negative space in my cut out by seeing the outlining of my house and deciding was it the darker part or the lighter part, , 2. in your stool drawing I found the negative space in my drawling by seeing in between the stools and knowing that that was negative space.
C. Why does it help an artist to see in negative space? It helps an artist to see in negative space because it helps the object pop out more to the person who is looking at it
D. Does seeing in negative space enhance drawings, why or why not It does enhance drawling because it shows the different sections of the drawling.
La dieta de Linsey Lohan
¡Peru! (Michael & Joy)
El Secreto del Gato
Mis Actividades
Columbus Day
Mí escuela !
Clase: español
Profesor/a: la Srta. ManuelActividades: en la clase leemos, cantamos, habla en inglés
Responsibilidades: complemente tarea y clase trabaja
Materials: un lapíz, una pluma, la carpeta, record de tarea
Opinión: me encanta la clase porque es muy.
Profesor/a: La Srta. Garvey
Actividades en la clase: escribamos, problemas de álgebra
Responsibilidades: completemos la tarea para credito
Materials: un lapíz, mí carpeta, mí computadora, una calculadora
Opinión: me encanta la clase porque es muy facíl y importante
¡ Mis Seres Queridos !
My Slide
Why Did I Do this?
When I was designing my slide I wanted to follow what Mr. Zen said. I decide to make the “I” stand out because it says that I stand out. I made some letters bigger than others because they where more important. I also had the picture of the fish in order to go with the theme of my slide, saying that ‘I’ stand out and the fish is standing out also.
I was told not to make any changes to my presentation for the simple fact that it perfectly followed Presentation Zen. Here Are Some Reasons why:
1) The slides have the perfect font size, its not to big and its not to small.
2) It clearly states what im trying to get across.
3) I show a picture that relates to my words.
4) I mad my letters in levels , making them larger as they farther dow the paper to the point where "out" is out the picture.
¡Hola Eleannys!
Querid@ Eleannys ,
Mi nombre es Joy (Alegria en espanol). Estoy emocionada escribir un carta. Como
estás? Tengo quince años. y tu? Me cumple es el veintecuatro de septeiembre. y
tu ? Soy africana-americana Vivo
en filadlephoa y en filidelfia durantn el otoño mucho fresco a veces
es mucho soy in el otoño. ¿Qué tiempo hace hoy en Maracaibo? Mi gusta dibujar,
comer, relajar, hablar por teléfono y ir
a la escuela depende del diá. Cuando tengo
tiempo libre mi gusta jygar basketból también
jugar videojuegos Mi no le gusta leer, baliar, nadar, trabjar y estudiar. Soy inteligente, bonita, comica Morena, alto y boba. y tu? Abajo es un foto con mi major amigas. uno de ellos es medio Latino.