Tia Roberts' Capstone

​Over the duration of my senior year, I have been teaching both sophomores and juniors courses in makeup. Every Wednesday for an hour and 30 mins I teach many different things. Sometimes we focus on techniques and procedures of makeup and other days we focus on the importance and history of makeup. I teach the girls to understand that makeup is pure art; not just something people use when they feel ugly. They have been learning this for about 25 classes and of course, no one becomes the best over that short period of time but I am definitely confident in the process my girls have made throughout these classes. They have not only practiced multiple times on themselves but have had the opportunity to practice on about 5 different models throughout this year. Overall, this year has been amazing and crazy at the exact same time. We had a lot of breaks and days off which made it extremely hard to fully teach everything needed. A lot of the practices I gave full control to the artist and didn’t give too much help because I wanted them to be able to progress themselves and not always look for help. Not only did I teach these girls something but they taught me a lot too. I learned how to be better at teaching a group of people and staying organized with my lesson plans. I also learned how to present my ideas in a clearer way and most importantly how to truly see the beauty in everyone around me. In the end, each girl created a final look that I took photos of and created a mini book of. Below you can see the book. 

Link to bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HiopudEvI-oCIWIbQQX2Somn8Hlwla1J6_2X-sXw_AU/edit?usp=sharing
