The Pro-Choice Movement's Involvement in Politics: Part 3
This is the third and final segment of the three part blogging project my class was given for our final project of the year. In my first post I introduced my topic and gave information about it so that even those who know nothing about it could have an understanding of what I researched. The purpose of my second blog post was for me to express my opinion openly and in detail.
This post is being called “the post for change” because we were assigned to create a piece of original content geared towards informing people about your topic and possibly changing their point of view at the same time.
I decided that the best way for me to raise awareness was to make a video. In the video I interview four seniors at my school who are all 18 and registered to vote. I chose that demographic because the Pro-Choice movement’s involvement in this upcoming election could be a large deciding factor for them. I plan on showing kids that have just registered to vote this video to inform them about the candidates they will be voting for. Young people around the world are holding protests to fight for their rights.
I think this method of eliciting change is good. I think protesting for the causes you care for is an important part of democracy. Some people in the occupy protest were attempting to raise awareness of the Pro-Choice movement but in my opinion the protests were too unorganized and there wasn’t a clear enough ideal system to make a huge difference in our country.
This topic is strongly rooted in opinion and theological beliefs but I believe that the government should not take away a person’s right to choose what to do with their body. If you think about it, our government has taken a long time to grant minorities their rights. It’s the land of the free yet freedom still hasn’t been legalized. Thank you.
Here are my sources.
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