Spanish. Kenny Le Aazimah Muhammad

Kenny Le  Aazimah Muhammad

La Hora (time) 

Spanish uses punctuation before a sentence or question so we can recognize it easier.

To ask what time it is in spanish you say: "Qué hora es?", "Qué hora son?", or "Qué hora tiene?".
You can ask anyone of them, but ¿Qué hora es? is more common.

To say it's one o' clock you say: Es la una. You only say "Es la" for one o' clock.
To say it's 2,3,4,etc o' clock you say: Son las dos, tres, cuatro, etc..
To say 1:15 in spanish you say: Es la una y cuatro or 2:15, 3:15, etc you say: Son las dos y cuatro, Son las tres y cuatro, or you can just say "y quince". "y" means "and" in spanish.
cuatro is like a quarter or 1/4 in time terms.

"y media" is :30. Example) Es la una y media/ It's 1:30
"menos cuatro" is :45. For :45 we say menos from the time, So 1 minus(menos) cuatro is 1:45. Es la una menos cuatro.
"menos" is number of minutes before the hour so 1:55. Es la una menos cinco. You use menos after :45 mark.

"a"= at , so 
¿Qué hore almuezro? means " what time is lunch in spanish "
Son las a dos,tres, etc. same thing for 1 o' clock except it is "Es la a una"

por la = in the
noches = night
tardes = afternoon
dias = morning
To say the time in the morning you say: Son las ocho por la dias/ noches/ tardes

Real life application: someone asking what time is lunch

El Tiempo (weather)

Punctuation comes first in spanish because it helps people realize what they are trying to say.

Explanation to teach the topic: write down the weather conditions and seasons in spanish.
¿Qué tiempo hace? ( What's the weather like?)
Hace( It's ) mucho ( very ) frío / calor / viento / sol / fresco. cold / warm / windy / sunny / cool.
Esta lloviendo = It's raining  Llueve = It rains
Esta nevando = It's snowing  Nieva = It snows
Esta nublado = It's cloudy
Parcialmente = partly (cloudy,sunny,etc)

¿Qué tiempo hace? is "What's the weather like?" in spanish.

How to say "It's cold" in spanish: "Hace frío."
"very cold" in spanish: "Hace mucho frîo."

It's raining: Está lloviendo It rains: Llueve. Both mean the same thing.
It's snowing: Está nevando It snows: Nieva. Both mean the same thing.

Está nublado in english is "It's cloudy."
If it is partly cloudy you add "Parcialmente." Example) Esta parcialmente nublado.

"¿Qué tiempo hace?"
"Hace mucho frío."

Estacions ( Seasons)
El invierno = winter
La primavera = spring
El verano = summer
El otono = fall

Real life application: Someone asking what's todays weather and season.

Los Dias de la Semana ( days of the week )

Punctuation comes first in spanish because it helps people realize what they are trying to say.
To ask what day is today in spanish you say "¿Qué dia es hoy?"
To say "it's" in spanish you say "Es", so before you say a day you say "Es lunes(monday)"
"hoy" means "today" in spanish.
"dias"= day

lunes = Monday
martes = Tuesday
miércoles = Wednesday
jueves = Thursday
viernes = Friday
sábado = Saturday
domingo = Sunday

If someone were to ask you "¿Qué día es hoy? ( what day is today? ) you would respond.
Es lunes. ( it's monday )

¿Qúe  día de la semana es? means "What day of the week is?" in spanish.
semana = week
So if someone asked you "What day of the week is 5 of october?"
you would respond: "Es el martes" ( it is tuesday. )
"el" = is in spanish

Real life application: someone is asking what day it is and what day of the week.
