Net Neutrality

Untitled presentation
Untitled presentation
​     Bob, the fourteen year old, wanted to explore various social media outlets, the kind that no one uses, so he could be cool. Bob surfed the web happily, first finding Tumblr, then clicking on another site. This site takes forever to load, so Bob takes a bag of chips and leans back into his chair. When it was finished loading, he decided that it wasn't worth the wait. Bob lives in a world without net neutrality. The website he was trying to visit wasn't on the fast lane, meaning that it was on the slow lane. Because the website was slowed, he didn't deem it worth his time. The website was actually just as awesome as Tumblr, but the sluggish speed of it made it less appealing. The simple reason for the website being slow: it didn't have enough money to pay for a place on the fast lane. It could make it big, but it didn't have the opportunity.
     Liberty (who finds her name a bit strange) wanted to watch Netflix one day. She had Comcast as her Internet Service Provider. She hit enter, and waited for Netflix to load. It didn't. She waited a bit longer. It still didn't. Suspicious, she tried Comcast on Demand. It took half a second to load.
     These are the stories of two fictional teenagers who didn't have net neutrality. While it may not feel like it matters when explained to a teenager, it really does. Without it, these things will happen. However, the two scenarios above won't be the only ones. There will be so many more, because corporations have a goal of making as much money as possible. Net Neutrality is the reason this doesn't happen right now.

 Oliver, Jon. "Net Neutrality." Youtube. Last Week Tonight (HBO), 1 June 2014. Web. 22 Dec. 2014.
Grey, CGP. "Internet Citizens: Defend Net Neutrality." YouTube. YouTube, 5 May 2014. Web. 21 Dec. 
     2014. <>.
Rugnetta, Mike. "Net Neutrality: Is the Internet a Public Utility? | Idea Channel |PBS Digital
     Studios." YouTube. YouTube, 25 June 2014. Web. 22 Dec. 2014. 
