My Rwanda. My Genocide.

 DropBox: Link 


For my project I thought that a web page would be more exciting because I could add any aspect of my topic in any form that I wanted; Pictures, videos, essay’s etc.  Specifically for my project I had chosen to write a few paragraphs giving the background and overall information on the topic of interest. I then created a video that showed some of the pictures and videos that were primary sources of the Rwanda genocide. I put everything together using iweb, so that it be easier to put everything in a C.R.A.P formation.

            For the actual timing of the project was great. I had the project done six days before the actual due date, there fore was able to go over everything multiple times without worrying about the time rather or not there was enough of. This also enable myself to have a few of my peers look over the project and correct any mistakes that I may have been overlooked. The only fault that I ran into was the day I had to turn everything in. I was not in school, but I still managed to get my project in nonetheless.

            The longest part of the project was they making of the video. The pictures weren’t to difficult to find, but trying to get video was almost impossible. I would find different pages with amazing video but I had no way of downloading them. This is partially what made me add the part of my website that had links to other pages. I wanted the viewer to get the entire feel of what had happened in Rwanda and what other way to do that than to have actual footage of the genocide taking place?

            But, overall the project went pretty smoothly. I kept looking and I am satisfied with my final design. If I had to change anything about this project I would probably have interviews with some victims about the entire event. The interview would be to bring the audience closer to allow them to connect and hopefully feel what the victims have felt in Rwanda. 
