Home Network, Rosen

mind mapping software
1. My L.A.N. Network is with Comcast. I have a modem AND router. It is not a all-in-one. What is on my home network aka WiFi are my computer, 3 laptops (including this one), 4 iPhones and 2 iPods, a wireless printer, my PS3, and my mom's kindle.

2. What I learned about home networks is that they are really expensive. Also how many things are on MY network because I have a lot of things. The policy here is really strict here even though most people find a way out of it. 

3. What I would teach people about home networks are that they cost money even though you can go certain places for free. I wouldn't recommend that because they some things blocked or you go on inappropriate sites so that is not good if you are not on your own network. 
