Encebollado con Jhonas Dunakin



    • 2 lbs fresh tuna
    • 1 lb yuca, fresh or frozen
    • 2 tbs sunflower oil
    • 2 tomatoes, diced
    • ½ red onion, diced
    • 1 teaspoon chili powder
    • 2 teaspoons ground cumin
    • 8 cups of water
    • 5 cilantro sprigs
    • Salt to taste
Serve topped with:
  • Curtido de cebolla y tomate or pickled red onion and tomato salsa
  • Chifles or plantain chips
  • Tostado corn nuts or popcorn


  1. Heat the oil on medium heat to make a refrito with diced onion, tomato, cumin, chili powder and salt.
  2. Add the water and cilantro springs, bring to a boil.
  3. Add the tuna and cook for until the tuna is fully cooked, about 15 minutes.
  4. Drain the tuna and keep the broth to cook the yuca.
  5. Separate or break the tuna into small to medium size pieces.
  6. Bring the tuna broth to a boil and add the yucas, cook until tender but firm, about 30-40 minutes for the frozen yuca.
  7. Take the yuca from the broth, remove the strings and cut into bite size chunks.
  8. Add the yuca chunks and tuna pieces to the broth, taste and add salt if needed.
  9. Re-warm the soup if necessary and serve topped with a good amount of pickled onion and tomato salsa, if desired can also be served with chifles or plantain chips, tostado corn nuts, avocado slices and extra lime slices.

Analysis of Dish:
The only processed foods in the encebollado are the sunflower oil, the chili powder, the ground cumin, and the salt. The majority, about 95% of the total food mass are whole, not processed. The majority of the dish is the tuna, and the yuca. The calories for a full meal serving is about 600-800 calories. Tuna is very good for you, as it can, among other things, lower blood pressure, and lower the risk for heart disease, stroke and cancer. The yuca root helps ease diabetic symptoms, and helps soothe arthritis. If you ate nothing but this meal everyday, you'd most likely be very healthy, as long as you made sure to get the other vitamins and things that you need. The tuna came from japan, so it probably traveled the farthest. The processed foods probably didn't have a significant affect on the environment, because the ingredients are mostly very natural. The Tuna for this meal is fairly expensive, but of the meal is very reasonably priced. For the tuna to get to our plate, it went on a long journey. It was fished from the japanese waters, then shipped to America, where it was then moved to the store we bought it from.

Personal Reflection:

This unit I learned that one of the things I pay the least attention to, what I eat, is one of the most important decisions I can make in my life, especially in regards to my health. While I personally can’t affect the larger food system that much, I can make good choices of who I buy food from, so as not to support the companies that abuse the animals they feed you, like the way chickens and cows are penned up like we saw in Food inc. I think that the biggest problem with the food system is that the cheapest, and most addicting foods are the most unhealthy, because it leads to people eating much more unhealthy food than they would have. I think that I personally could improve my food choices by eating less junk and fast food, which would give me a healthier diet, and free up space in my diet for more vegetables, fruit, and other foods. I probably wont cut out 100% of the junk and fast food that I eat, but I am willing to cut out the majority of those foods that I eat.

Food Rules Slide:

Food Rules Slide.001
Food Rules Slide.001
