Domino Theory

Taahir Henry & Quinn Platzer

Comments (7)

Dylan Cordivari (Student 2013)
Dylan Cordivari

I like how it was a countdown on the dominoes. The events leading up to the cold war is a cool concept because the dominoes are leading up to the final domino. I also like how the Russia and America don't seem to realize what they did.

Andrew Chalfen (Student 2013)
Andrew Chalfen

This was the other political cartoon and it was interesting to see how this group interpreted it. they saw it as more of a battle between America and Russia where our group had preserved America as already winning

Samantha Zeisloft (Student 2013)
Samantha Zeisloft

i love this picture it was one of my favorite, i like how you have the dominos counting down and also just how they're on top of the world kind of like they're going to fall on a specific place on it. i like how you chose icons to be in the picture like uncle same and the bear, it brings the picture together.

Iraidia Serrano (Student 2013)
Iraidia Serrano

Having the number on the dominoes count down from three was a great way of showing how the U.S is always counting down to something. Since they seem to go very long without engaging in some type of major conflict with another country. The proximity of Uncle Sam's elbow to the dominoes and his facial expression, makes it seem like he didn't on purpose and is trying to play it off.

Tucker Bartholomew (Student 2013)
Tucker Bartholomew

I think the stance of Uncle Sam is brilliant in the cartoon, and really displays the awkwardness of the Cold War. It shows that both sides were talking about each other, but without any physical confrontation. I think the domino effect is really interesting as well.

Jamelia Barrett (Student 2013)
Jamelia Barrett

I think this was very well done . It domino theory the fact that uncle sam is in front means the us is more in front or on top and the soviet union is on the back page waiting for something happen . Also the expression on the both character help to bring out the the phrase.