Descriptive Essay Listen or hear

On a summer afternoon I walked into my apartment with a view of my living, dining room/kitchen looking like a jungle. As I walk through the door, I was feeling exhausted from my big day at school . It was back-to-school night. I was dragging my feet.  My dad decided to tell me in his deep voice "Oh you're going to have to move all your things in your room. we are painting the walls tomorrow." After he said that all of these questions ran through my mind. Why are we doing this now? I'm tired, can I go to sleep? oh my god I have homework. Then he added on "we have to move the things in the living room, your room, your brothers room , and last but not less my room." I replied "All this tonight!"

Then I walked into my room looking that my queen size bed, just wanting to throw myself on the bed and taping a nap. But instead I looked that my mother built in closet with a broken door with a mirror. The closet is big it takes one fourth of my room. After look that myself and putting my book bag down on the corner of my room where my window is.  I dragging my feet to the living room about to ask my dad " Can I work on my room while you and mommy work on the living room? We will get done faster ."
"No we all should work on the living room so when that done we can find a place to put y'all things." he replied to me. I thought to myself then we going to be here all night! I have homework and I need to sleep, I’m tired. I took a big breath and said “okkayyy....” My face change as a Cheetah running; but i keep my cool and help out. This always happening when they don’t understand that we can be done faster. I think that most out the time people hear what I’m saying but they don’t listen to what I’m saying. I hate when that happen to me. When  that think they are right all the time. I just want them to see my point of view. I feel to need to say think sometime my idea might help everyone not just your idea. After 5 mins my mom told me to work on my room. I wanted to say I just told dad that but he said no. My dad decided to tell me my mom was right . That I have school tomorrow. I started to laugh because I told my dad this. But they don’t listen to me. I think it because I’m young and they think they are right 90% of the time.

But the thing was that it remind me of when my mother tried to changed how her room. She wanted to me to rotate her bed 90 degrees. I thought to myself I’m going to die. The bed weighted like a truck. That day I want to stay in my room. But She keep call my name like a song “La La La La La La”. She didn’t think about how she going to open her closet; or where she going to put her T.V. Her bed was bigger than my room. I started to tell her that it would not work (but everyone know that it going to be a verbal argument).  
“Mom the bed is not going to fit when I rotate it because you're not going to get into your closet. I don’t think this is a good idea maybe you should leave it how it is.”  I told my mom. She looked that me “You're just saying that because you don’t want to move it.”  She relied
“ I would a meant that I don’t want to more it but if I more the bed it’s really not going to fit and If I rotate it you can’t tell me that we should move it back! I not going to do all of that .” I said nicely
“Well ok then when your dad comes he going to more it how I want it and I will see with my eyes if it fit or not.” She said looking that me like I’m just saying it because I don’t want to do it. But I really was telling the truth. Then thought I don’t want to do something I will always tell you the truth about the problem you have.
