
My capstone was making ¨The Asian Cultures Club.¨ My Inquiry question was ¨How can I bring/spread awareness of asian cultures and customs to the SLA community?¨ By asking this question I had to ask myself was why? I felt that we learn about so many other cultures and being in such a diverse school that's good, but we never hear anything about asian culture and we don´t know much about it to celebrate it like the other cultures. With that I made flyers to start my club and I told a people about it. I got a lot of advise on how to properly hold a meeting and with that I made a presentation for the first club. We talked about goals for the club, introduced ourselves, and what they each want to get from the club. We came to the conclusion of meeting every two weeks to talk about a different place and culture in Asia. We faced some difficulties with the original name in which we had to have another meeting soon after the first. The original name was Asian Alliance, but people took offense therefore I took it into consideration, came together with my club and changed the name. The last couple of weeks after learning about the different cultures we wanted to do a visual representation of what we learned. We decided to do a mural associated to all of the things and some that were related to asian culture. We also decided to put up a map of Asia to show people all of the places people miss out on that should be represented. We also put up each member that played a role and why they felt it was impactful to learn about asian culture and if they felt asian culture was represented in SLA. Lastly, There is a part of the wall with different facts about many different cultures in Asia. "Culture In Thailand - Reach To Teach". 2019. Reach To Teach. Accessed January 25 2019. This source holds information on the background and culture of Thailand and the people that live there. I decided to use this as a source because the first place and culture we are going to explore is thailand and this would be very useful for research to present. One limitation of this source would be that it doesn’t go into full detail on everything about thailand such as all of the history and background, but mostly talks about the culture. Guide, Thailand, and Thailand Guide. 2019. "Thailand - Thai Language, Culture, Customs And Etiquette". Commisceo-Global.Com. Accessed January 25 2019. This source holds information also on thailand. It goes a little more into the customs of the people and the social economics and the makeup of thailand. This source talks about the language and the time zone and the different types of foods. I found this source useful because it tells more of what I would like to know and teach to my club that I think they would enjoy learning about. Asia, 12Go. 2019. "Culture Of Cambodia – Main Values, Religion, Traditions". 12Go.Asia. Accessed January 25 2019. This source focuses on the culture of Cambodia and their values. It talks about their family traditions and their religious beliefs. Cambodians have very strong family ties, commitment is a word they will heavily associate with family. They have many temples for religious beliefs and for praying. Art and architecture is a big thing in Cambodia where they have a lot of tall and distinct buildings. 2019. Ddceutkal.Ac.In. Accessed January 25 2019. After reviewing this source I learned more about indian culture, history and heritage. I found this source useful because there was a lot of information I can use for my club when our focus point is india. A lot of people don’t think of india when they think of asian culture. Therefore, I found this source very helpful and unique. This source covers many things such as the geographics of indian culture and characteristics. 2019. Polpemjepangsmjhiugm2015.Files.Wordpress.Com. Accessed January 25 2019. This source is a book and holds information on japan's society and social sciences. It talks about the social class and diversity and unity of the people that live there. It also talks about the minorities and ethnicities of japan. These are all very important topics to talk about when trying to understand where japan stands and present day issues. This source lacks information on the cultural aspect of japan and focuses more on the people rather than the culture and customs of japan itself. "Chinese Culture, Tradition, And Customs — Penn State University And Peking University". 2019. Elements.Science.Psu.Edu. Accessed January 25 2019. After reviewing this source I found that It focuses on china and their culture, customs, and traditions. China is a place that so many people have heard of, but don’t really know much about because of what they hear. China has very old traditions and tactics on how they live. Chinese culture can be incorporated in many other smaller cultures, not fully but in some ways it has influenced them. I found this source useful because it relates to my club and would be a good focus place. "Culture Of Laos - History, People, Clothing, Traditions, Women, Beliefs, Food, Customs, Family". 2019. Everyculture.Com. Accessed January 25 2019. This source holds information on the cultural backgrounds, social aspects, and history of the people that live in Laos. They take their culture very seriously and have very specific culture and etiquette. Compared to many of the other places in asia that may be very big that people know about laos isn’t one of those places. Therefore, I wanted to include a more lowkey place that people may not know about and incorporate it into a lesson and a place of focus. This source goes into a large amount of detail on their culture, history, and customs which is why it is useful to me. Guide, Taiwan, and Taiwan Guide. 2019. "Taiwan - Language, Culture, Customs And Etiquette". Commisceo-Global.Com. Accessed January 25 2019. After reviewing this source I found that it was a very useful source. It talks about taiwan and the background of the people that live there and what it is like to be from taiwan. It also talks about day to day struggles and backgrounds. This information is useful because it gives me a clear understanding of what goes on in taiwan and the cultures. It also is useful for me to know when teaching my club about taiwanese culture. "The New Teacher's Guide To Creating Lesson Plans | Scholastic". 2019. Scholastic.Com. Accessed January 25 2019. This source holds information on how to make a successful lesson plan and what you need to do in order to achieve that. I found this source important because in order for me to teach and give presentations to the club I need to know how to make a successful lesson plan that people actually enjoy. In this source they focus on younger kids and how you should set up a lesson plan for them but i think it is more creative that way and will engage my club a lot more which is why I used it. One limitation of this source would be that they don’t give much context to how to sit down and make the lesson plan

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