Aidan Roman - Capstone
For my capstone, I wanted to get a community more involved in the environment. My goal was to use the skills I had learned from CTE- engineering, and design a system that creates opportunities for the community to learn more about the green around them. The community I hoped to impact was a community garden residing in University City. My plan was to design a self-sustaining self-watering system for plots in the garden. But after being denied the space at the community garden, I turned to a different community. I decided to implement my design into my own school’s outside terrace. Because I moved the space, I also decided to simplify my design so that any student or faculty member could use it. The garden would be able to both collect its own rain water and disperse the water automatically throughout the day, or as much as needed. Through the project research; I learned how to collect rainwater safely, how water flows and moves through piping, how to code a timing system, and how different plants grow and what they need. Though the design went through some major changes, the final product works and fits with the outside space perfectly. With the plan of going further with the project, I hope to get the word out about the design by using a website I have created. There is so much that this project could do for the SLA community. The possibilities of this project are endless, but it just needs that final push.