Sattera Mark Capstone
Since the beginning of the year I knew that I wanted to work and get involved with children. I’ve volunteered with kids before but that organization that I was with had closed down. Therefore, I thought that my senior project would be a perfect way to interact with kids again. At the start of the project I started volunteering with a daycare but I felt like I needed to do more. In order to add to my project starting looking at other groups and organizations that I could volunteer with. After not having any luck with that I realized that I could make a difference in the organization that I was already involved with. That organization is my church, Faith Tabernacle. I noticed that the kids around weren’t really into service and didn’t really have anything to do there. Especially since children’s church had stopped. My church is also in the heart of North Philadelphia and it’s not in the best area. So now I had two goals; I wanted to get the kids back interested in church and get the community involved in a positive way.
The way I achieved this was by setting up an Easter Party outside of my church on March 26, 2016. I started planning this in early February. In preparation for the event I first had to get permission from my Pastor and Youth Pastor. Then I became the church assistant secretary. It became my job to type and put together the bulletins every Saturday. These bulletins had a list of the church’s schedule and events. I made sure I put in a memo about the easter program in there every week. The next thing I had to do was get sponsors and buy supplies for the event and ask my church to donate some money for the youth. Mrs. Carter was a big help and donated a big box of easter eggs and prizes for the kids and Ms. Darcel and Mrs. Diane prepared lunch for the kids. I also had many helpers who set up and watched the kids with me. We also had to make flyers to pass out around the neighbor and surprisingly many of the neighborhood kids came and enjoyed themselves at the party. At the party the kids played games, won, prizes, and enjoyed good food and candy. The event overall was very successful.
Citation #1
Barbara Markway, and Gregory Markway. "Tips for Teachers: Working with Children Who Are Shy." Teaching. Ed. Jill Hare. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Feb. 2016. This article was written to help teachers who are experiencing some issues with shy children in their class. The article gives some tips on how to get a shy child out of their shell. The article recommends placing shy children with children they know so they socialize more and making their strengths an opportunity for them to help others in an area where they're lacking. Along with this tip there are many others which are good for pin pointing different ways to help a child open up. This article was useful to me because for my capstone I will be working with all types of children and I may face a couple who are timid and shy. When I do I will look back at this article and use this to help this child. This article is different from others because it only focuses on one type of child. Other websites focus on all types of children and how to be a better teacher in general.
Jacquelyn Smith. "How to Be a Great Mentor." Forbes. Forbes Magazine, 17 May 2013. Web. 02 Feb. 2016. This article focused on what is means to be a mentor and the great responsibility one has when they take the roll to be an example in another person’s life. The article expounded on being there for a mentee making sure a mentor creates an atmosphere that's warm and open and that there's trust in the relationship. For example, the article said to make sure that the mentee feels comfortable enough to ask the “stupid questions that everybody wants to ask”. I like this article because it lets the readers know how influential a mentor can be on someone’s life. This article, unlike others explains mentorship in a unprogrammed way. Sometimes there is to set way to be a mentor when every relationship is unique in its own way. The article emphasizes the importance of getting to know the person relationship development.
Citation #3
"Brain Architecture." Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University. Harvard University, n.d. Web. 04 Feb. 2016. This article focused on how early childhood experience affect the child’s brain. When a Child is born they already have brain cells that will carry them out into adulthood. The article also focused on the the scientific aspect of brain development. The article had interesting facts. An interesting fact I found was that simple neural connections and skills form first and that in the first few years of life there are 700 to 1,000 new neural connections every second. This article was produced by Harvard University. The specific author isn’t named but it’s clear that the author had a clear understanding on the topic. The is also article was directed towards anyone who is trying to get a better understanding of how a child’s brain works. Maybe towards middle school children on up. This article complements my capstone project because it gives me a better understanding of children's behavior is this is important because I will be working with them.
Citation #4
Jeppson, Jandy. "Brain DevelopmentAuthors: Jandy Jeppson with Judith A. Myers-Walls and Dee Love." PPP: Child Growth & Development || Brain Development || Brain Cells Connect. Purdue University, 2013. Web. 04 Feb. 2016. This article focuses on the brain growth of children. The article talks about how children are always exploring different things as their brain develop. They may throw a chair just to see that it’s able to move in that way. Kids may also ask a lot of questions because they want to understand what’s going on around them. A total of three people wrote this article. The format of the article was neat and well planned out. All three of the authors collaborated great together to create this article. This article could be geared towards kids that are in middle school on up. However I think the article would be best for parents or teachers. This article is similar to the one in citation three. They both explain the scientific part of a child’s brain and how that affects their behavior and development. This article would help me with my capstone by giving me a better understanding of a child’s behavior.
Citation #5
Guo, Philip. "First -Time Teaching Assistants." Philip Guo -. N.p., Nov. 2006. Web. 04 Feb. 2016. This article was good for many helping hints for people who are assistant teachers. Being an assistant teacher may be scary for those who are taking on this role for the first time. If a person feels this way this article will do a great job of releasing some of the stress. I would recommend this article article to first time teachers or someone who has to speak out in a large group of people. The author of the article wrote and used his personal experiences to try to relate to his readers. The author also spoke fluently and eleven different points that explained his reasons for why he gave the tip. This article is different from others because the writer expresses his personal experiences and talks about how he learned from them. This article will help me with my capstone because it will gives me some tips on how to be a successful assistant teacher.
Notbohm, Ellen. "Ten Things Every Child with Autism Wishes You Knew." Autism Speaks. Future Horizons, Inc, 2012. Web. 04 Feb. 2016. This article focuses exclusively on how to treat children with autism. It highlights how children with autism should be treated just like every other child and then learning how those children are different from other children. It also explains how to interpret different things they’re trying to express. For example, the article explained the difference between (I choose not to) and can’t (I am not able to). I think this website would be very helpful for people who work with children with autism and to parents of an autistic child. This article is from a book. The author of this book sounds educated and has a clear understanding of children with autism. This website was helpful to me because I may begin working with a child with autism and now I feel like I can understand them better. I think the website is a great source and that everyone who had to face autism should read this.
Citation #6
"ASAE ® The Center for Association Leadership." Mentoring Relationships 101: How to Be a Great Mentor - Associations Now Magazine. N.p., May 2010. Web. 04 Feb. 2016. This article talked about the importance of being a good mentor. Mentor always are the ones who seem to be doing most of the talking and the one who should be giving all the guidance. However, this article makes it clear that it’s okay to let your mentee talk and share the conversation. The article gave its readers 14 excellent tips on how to be the mentor ever. I would recommend this article to anyone who’s seeking advice on how to be a leader. The author is obviously educated and was great at organizing their thoughts and the outline of the website.
Citation #7
"Top 10 Qualities of a Good Mentor." Top 10 Qualities of a Good Mentor. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Feb. 2016. This website expounded great on how to be an effective mentor and youth leader. With today’s youth good mentors are greatly needed. The article talked about how teen pregnancy rates and drug use rates among teens are decreasing. The article expressed that in order to keep this progress going steady we mentors must continue this good work and be patient with our mentors. The article gave its readers ten important tips on how to be an effective leader. I would recommend this article to anyone who’s seeking advice on how to be a great mentor and make a difference in people’s lives. The author shows that they’re educated and great at organizing their thoughts by the way they chose to convey this message.
Citation #8
"8 Important Tips For Working With A Special Needs Child." Friendship Circle Special Needs Blog. N.p., 15 Oct. 2012. Web. 04 Feb. 2016. In this article a mother expresses her concerns for her 11 year old special needs son. Her son had reached an age where he was able to participate in community activities. The mother uses this article to share some of the tips she uses with her own son and what works for her. This article was very insightful because with me working with children I might come across a child that might need a little more attention than the others. I would recommend this article to all teachers and to parents with a special needs child.
Citation #9
Shalaway, Linda. "Five Persistent Behavior Problems and How to Handle Them (Grades 6-8) |" Scholastic Teachers. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Feb. 2016.
By working in a classroom of kids, teachers are bound to encounter students that have behavior problems or students that need a little more attention. In this article by Linda Shalaway she gives tips to teachers who are facing these types of issues. The kids she’s describing are kids that are usually in grades six through eight. I would recommend this article to all teachers who are dealing with behavior problems within their classroom. The author of this article seems to have a great deal of experience with children or may be a psychologist. She writes fluently and efficient.
Citation #10
"Golden Rules for Engaging Students in Learning Activities." Edutopia. N.p., 08 Dec. 2014. Web. 04 Feb. 2016. This article gives teachers examples of way to keep students engaged and active in class. To most students school is portrayed as boring but this article gives teachers tips that can help move students away from that type of mindset. I would recommend this article to all teachers. the authors of this article is very short and straight to the point.