Aghiles Hosni Capstone
For my senior project, I came up with the idea of building a website that acts as an inventory search kit for the engineering room. With this invention, students can pull the website out on any device and search for a tool in the room they are looking for. An example would be a certain size nail they need, so by typing in the name of the nail and size the program would give the student information on what part of the room, the shelf it’s in, and the drawler it would be found. Before I was able to start this project I had to teach myself the computer language of HTML and CSS for the front-end design of the project and then also learn javascript for more of the backend design. I used websites such as BSD, Khan Academy, youtube, and GitHub to understand how to code this program. After feeling like I got a hand in the language I then used Node.js and visual studios code to acutely build my website. I planned my coding and setups for the code on GitHub. After Finishing my code I then went around the engineering room taking note of where each item would be. I broke the room down into three parts and put a name for each shelf/cabinet, and then put the drawers into columns so then everything can be more organized to find in the room.
Finally website:
Full code shown here on github: