World of 100 Analysis

​For a class of at least 32-34 students we had to deiced what the rest of the world would be like if there were only 100 people. The sheet of paper that we had to give our estimations on included a lot of possibilities and diverse features of civilization. So each student wrote down their estimation of how the World of 100 would stack up. After words when the whole class put down their responses they were totaled and averaged. To sum all of it we referred to actual data that represented the World if only 100 people lived. Next was to compare everything from My Average, Class Average, and the Correct Averages. On the paper there were 12 topics from the ratios of Gender, Education, to Religion. I picked 3 of the topics that was most interesting to me even before we looked at the class average or the correct average. So I choose Geography, Age, and Electricity. (results displayed below)

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