Weather Conditions, seasons. By Willie Willson and Matthew Hamilton
Describing weather conditions is a important part of your spanish education. When describing weather patterns it is good to remember two things. You can either say,"Hace....."(A-ce) which you would use when saying,"It is hot.", or,"Esta......"(esta) which you would use when saying,"It is raining."
These are the words that you would use after saying hace:
1) Frio(f-rio) cold
2) Calor(cal-or) hot
3) Sol(s-ol) warm
4) Viento (v-i-e-ntio) windy
5) Fresco(fres-co) cool
When using esta you would say:
1) lloviendo(y-ov-i-e-ndo) raining
2) nevando(ne-va-n-do) snowing
3) nublado(nu-bla-do) cloudy
When asking for the weather you can ask,"Que tiempo hace hoy."(k te-ie-mpo a-ce oy) which means how is the weather today. If you replace hoy with mañana(m-a-ny-a-na) you are asking for the weather tomorrow.
When asking for the temparture you say,"¿Cual es la temparatura?"(cual es la temp-ar-a-tur-a). Responding to this you say,"Es el ____grados."(es el ____gr-ad-os).
Say your asking your mom what the weather is like so you know how to dress. You ask her,"¿Que tiempo hace hoy?". She responds by saying," Hace muy calor."
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