​Name: Taylor Veasley
Abstract Paragraph: My Capstone was to host a scholarship for my Dad's music program called the Bass BootCamp. This past year was the Camp's 10th year anniversary and I have attended every single year. We had been talking about hosting a scholarship for the camp for multiple years now and I decided that I would make that my Capstone. The reason that having this scholarship is so important to my father and his staff is because there is a low amount of people ages 16 to about 25 that attend the camp. We feel as though it is very important to have people of ALL ages attending the camp. When we asked people in that age range why they felt as though people their age weren't attending the camp they said it was for financial reasons most likely. It is the age where you begin to become independent and most people that age do not have the means to provide the tuition, travel costs, and board expenses themselves. This scholarship will open up that door for that age range and really begin to expand the thinking of the camp. There are so many talented young people and I think that it is awesome that I get to help the community in this way. 

For this Capstone a lot of work had to go into it. A lot of research and coordination to make sure everything went smoothly. We had our first ever round of scholarship winners in March of 2014 and it was amazing. They were both wonderful, intelligent and talented young men and they were so grateful  for the opportunity. the lead up to it was stressful because of planning and making sure that everyone arrived at the hotel safely, and had somewhere to stay. It was also fun though, because I really felt like I was making a difference in someone's life. Now, based on what happened this year I can improve the experience for everyone for next year. 

I expected for this to be something that was done easily, smoothly, without any kinks but, that is not what happened. It has been a very bumpy journey but, it turned out great. I am going to host this scholarship every year now and as we receive more donations from musicians and just people that care we can begin to provide more scholarships. It is lovely to see young people applying to my scholarship and being excited about their future in music. For my final project I was expecting to make a photo essay but, I decided instead to create a website that is easy to navigate and is informative for the students. This is the link to my website, I hope everyone enjoys it. http://bbcscholarship.weebly.com

Gates Millenium is one of the first scholarships I thought of when I began creating this scholarship. It made sense because GMS in my opinion hosts the scholarship very well. There are 100,000s of kids that apply to this scholarship annually and it made sense to me to use them as an example for my own scholarship. This source was helpful for me because I got to look at the eligibility and the requirements of the scholarship. Although, our scholarships are not exactly the same kind it still makes sense to model one after the other. This website lists first what GMS is, why they started it and who they started it for. Then they go on to tell the history of the GMS scholarship. After this part of the website they tell the history of the scholarship and how far they have come as a foundation. Then they go into the specifics of eligibility and the requirements. I like this layout of the website so I thought this would be a great source to use for my capstone.


This website that helps people start scholarships from scratch. Although I am not starting my scholarship from scratch I believe that this website can help me with a lot of the logistics and basics of my scholarship. The website starts off listing what the basic questions you should ask yourself when you begin to plan the scholarship and then goes into detail about what you should ask the applicants. This also gives a lot of great tips about what to do and what not to do when hosting a scholarship. They use real-life scholarships and scholarship hosts as examples for reference for our own scholarships. This website really has an awesome break-down of beginning your own scholarship and really what to expect. I believe that this scholarship will serve as a great aid throughout my capstone process.


This is the Ron Brown scholarship, another scholarship that came to mind when I began my capstone. This will serve as another guide for me to base my own scholarship on. When I applied to the Ron Brown scholarship the process was smooth and it went off without a hitch, this is how I want my process to go so I saw it as a great idea to use them as an example for myself. On this website they are listing the eligibility requirements, application deadlines, and the scholarship conditions. What I really like about this website in particular is how accessible everything is. You have all the important things about the scholarship that you need on one page, there is no searching necessary. The more accessible it is the more people want to apply. They also give you a timeline of the scholarship and what you should have done by certain dates to be on the right track to have everything in on time.  


This website is a website that has scholarships that are great to apply to listed on it. It is a scholarships, programs, internships and fellowships website hosted by the UNCF. Students use this to find similar scholarships that they are most likely eligible for. The scholarships are all mildly similar so, it is helpful for people that apply to one to apply to more that are listed with them. For my capstone’s purposes I will use this website to find example scholarships for myself. The UNCF is a very creditable foundation so I am confident in their choices of scholarships. I also have applied to a handful of the scholarships and internships on the website and I have never had a problem with any of them. I like this website and I believe that it will serve as a great source for me during the capstone process.


My scholarship is the Bass BootCamp scholarship so, naturally I would list the bassbootcamp website as one of my sources. I have worked at the bass boot camp for nearly ten years but I do not know all of the logistics of the camp off of the top of my head. I use this website as an information hub. This website lists everything that is needed to know about the camp, prices, what to bring, what is offered, everything is on hear. This gives the run-down of the camp and what the overall experience will be like. This website also offers pictures to look at and to imagine yourself in. I will be using this part of the website very often and it serves as a great reference site for my and any applicants for my scholarship.


This website lists the schedule for the attendees of the Bass BootCamp as well as the instructors that attended the camp the year prior, 2013. The reason this site is wonderful for me is because this is basically what I will use to get people to apply to my scholarship. The largest part is people actually applying. When they read the schedules of shows and amazing classes taught by world renowned professors they will definitely want to apply. This website serves as one of the most important sources for me because my scholarship is based on people applying. I will visit this website very often during this Capstone process so I truly do believe this is a very reliable, important, and helpful source for my Capstone.


This website is a site just filled with Frequently Asked Questions of the BassBootCamp. I know that there must be a million questions that people will have about not only the scholarship but the camp itself as well. Although my mentor knows everything about the camp and what happens there he is not always easily accessible. It helps to have a website at my disposal that I can always rely on to visit and get the answers to those questions from. Again, they are frequently asked questions so not every single question that I am asked will be featured on there but I am sure a majority of them will be. This website will serve as kind of a second mentor. It will have a lot of the information that I need that is not on the other requirements page or the about page. It has more specific questions with specific answers which will serve me very well during this Capstone process.


This is the Capstone website on Canvas. This website is very critical to my entire project. This website lead me to all of the requirements and expectations for my Capstone. It has all upcoming assignments and everything that will be due throughout the year for our Capstones. This website is important because I do not want to miss any aspects of the Capstone requirements. This website allows me to check over what we need and to ensure that I do not just meet expectations but that I exceed them.  Right now I am using this website very often to make sure that I am on the right track. I do not want to have a lot of work to cram at the end of the Capstone process and this site helps me with that. If I go at a certain pace and use this a reference for what I have done and what needs to be done I will be finished on time.


This is a previous Capstone done by a student that graduated in 2012. This is a great reference source for me because even though it is not the same topic it still has the same kind of format that I was going for. When I am kind of confused or I am not sure on what I should do for certain aspects I use this site as reference. Sometimes it helps to have actual student work rather than just a list of requirements. This project was done on math help and the way it is set up is easily accessible, neat, crisp, and clean. This is how I want my ending product to be like. I love this project as one of my sources because it received a great grade and that is also my goal.


This website is a guide for people that are hosting scholarships for students. After extensive research I found that this website was one of the most helpful guides for this topic. It explains how to start a scholarship minus all of the complicated lingo and the confusing requirements. It really gets down to the nitty gritty of how to do it. While it does that it also explains how to get people to take you seriously while you host this scholarship. Sometimes when you are trying to recruit people don’t take you seriously and this website helps with that. It also helps you explain to the applicant the importance of this scholarship so they apply with the same seriousness and respect that you had when you created it. This website is a great reference for me not just in the early stages but throughout all of the stages of this project.
