Ronald Harper Capstone
Hello, My name is Ronald Harper. I am a senior at the Science Leadership Academy and for my senior project I decided to talk about my work during my junior/senior year mentoring for a youth mentoring fitness program called “Youth mentoring Partnership”. I’ve been apart of this organization for over a year and every moment has impacted me greatly.
This is a program that is designated to build one on one relationships with children in empowerment communities across Philadelphia and surrounding areas. As a peer mentor for the program, I had to go through the training as if I was a child in the program, I had to go through the workouts, so I can built GRIT myself and I can walk the same walk and understand the effort the children I would be peer mentoring would be giving. I was assigned a child at the beginning of the program after I am finished my peer mentoring training. We work out every Wednesday from 4:30-6m, the goal of each workout is too make goals and reach them, finding the passion and perseverance to get through the trials, finding your edge and pushing through that. It teaches discipline, dedication, motivation and life lessons. More than a fitness program, I played a role model to these children who also have someone to talk too, confide in.
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