Revised Slide
The critique gave me a lot to think about for my slide. First, people said the color in the Philly symbol was a bit out of place. I wanted to keep the color but make it pop less. Therefore, I used the tools in recolor to make it darker in order to blend in more. I feel that this made it go better with the slide. I also recolored my name to make the Philly symbol match better. I made my name a very dark blue which matched the symbol. Another critique was that the images should be closer in size. The first thing I decided to do in order to combat this was enlarge the shoes and make them bleed. This gave me more room for the other images and included another element of design. I also feel that it made the slide more visually interesting. By doing this I had more room to enlarge the other shapes, and I did so. I also enlarged my name a bit so that more attention was drawn towards it.
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