Rehab After Drugs and Alcohol [ The Longterm Save] pt. 3

          After more of my research I still see that more kids each day are starting to do drugs and drink at a young age. By a young age I mean 10 and up. I don't really know why these kids do this. After researching that, I found out that most kids do this for publicity and self esteem. I also found out that children who use or drugs and alcohol is to feel old. To be older than they actually are.

          I do know someone who smokes and drinks to be cool his name is Nasir he is only 10 years old he has 2 older brothers and 2 older sister they live right next door to me. He smokes and drinks because his brothers do it. He tells them that if he doesn't smoke or drink with them he will tell their mom. The 2 older brothers are also young one is 12 the other 15. Now people come around asking to buy off of them and smoke with them. In reality they are using his money they no he want buy the drugs or alcohol because they are friends. So he buys and buys, smoke and drink. It is sad to see people at a young age do these things.

          I have tried talking to them but they don't listen. I don't get why they don't listen. It is for their own health, but the more their friends come around the more they buy.

         I hope all of this stops not just with them but in general drug and alcohol, abuse messes up people minds and action. It makes them look different as a person and kills people including themselves.

