Process paper on College drop out rates

My experience with this project was ok because when we tried to first take about the project my group didn’t know what we were going to do. Then we looked at regular campaigns and we tried to find components that helped contribute to their campaign. Me and my group decided to do a PSA because most campaigns have a PSA that explains what their mission is and what affects or outcomes can come out of their campaign. Our PSA showed two different outcomes of two people who went to college. We showed how someone who stays in college will succeed in the long wrong and we visualized the outcome for the student who dropped out of college.

 Twitter is well know for twitting thoughts, so we decided to make a twitter page to inspire people to stay in college. All of our tweets are inspirational and were motivating to keep college students from dropping out. Last time we check our twitter page for this campaign we had seventeen followers which was good because that meant people were listening to what we had to say or enjoyed the facts that we posted up on our twitter page. 

For our two other components we wanted to make it visual so we made a poster and a flyer. I was in charger of making the flyer. I wanted to make a flyer that was factual and was appealing in the eyes of others. I also wanted to promote my groups twitter page by posting the link at the bottom of the posted. A challenge that I came across when handing out the flyers at Drexel campus was that most college students weren’t interested in taking the flyer. Probably because they had stuff to do or maybe because when we handed the flyers out most people were just trying to get to class or get lunch. The flyer component didn’t really get across to the college students. 
