Printmaking and Why it is Important

Printmaking is a form of art where the art can, create more than one of the same piece of art. A basic description of printmaking is transferring ink into a canvas (usually paper). These pieces are called prints. While an artist can create a similar image more than once, each print is slightly different, due to certain variables. That's why each print is considered an original and not a copy. The invention of printmaking was a revolutionary one because it allowed people to create several copies of one item without having to start from scratch for each one. The earliest form of printmaking was invented in China in AD 105. At this time it was likely used to print designs onto cloth and to print text and images on paper. 
Untitled Print by Richard Mock

Description: This print shows an alligator in a body of water, with its jaw in the air, try to eat a dead bird hanging over it. You can see who men, one of them holding a gun, pointing it at the alligator and the other watching the whole thing happen. The bird seem to be bait for the alligator, and we can assume that the who men are hunters. Around the alligator there is a frog on a lily pad and a fish leaping in the air. The entire print is black and white. 

Analyze: Since the print is only using black and white, it leaves the audience to really focus on what is happening. The whole thing is very bold, and the eye goes to the alligator first, as it is the biggest and darkest part of the print. The artist uses different thicknesses of lines to create contrast. 

Interpret: I believe that this print is about the circle of life. It shows the alligator eating a bird, just as it is about to be killed itself. However, the print also speaks to the treatment of animals, and who gets to kill them. Everything in the water, around the alligator is real and alive, but everything on land is artificial. 

Judgement: I think that this is a very good print, as it uses contrast. The print is overall very interesting, as I leaves the audience wondering what will happen next. 
