Music video capstone

When I was a child, never in my life did I know what I was going to do or see, but I followed the path of a warrior. I’ve always seen SLA as a haven for me to come and express myself to the fullest, and I can be myself when at any other place I am an outcast. I’m glad I came to this school, as I got to be me and me only. Brighter days are ahead of us, and I want to show what I learned by creating this music video for my capstone. This project I’ve worked on is the biggest one I’ve done since being at this school. I’ve worked on big ones before, but this tops everything, as it took time to do. The edits, the camera work, and the ideas behind everything are essential to this capstone’s creation. Music is something I’ve never really thought about doing, but I’ve found out that I like to make it, so this helps me out. ‌The hours it took to craft the work I’ve done is substantial but I hope everyone who sees this video gets a lesson learnt out of this! Death by a Stray is my original work, and it’s always going to be in my heart as one song I’ve put my all into. I’m just making more creations possible because I’ve created this work of art. I am happy I’ve done this; I can proudly call it my own. I hope you enjoy!

process paper
annotated bibilolography

EVIDENCE: (music video inside)
