MP1 Artwork
For this marking period we have worked on two major assignments. These assignments incorporate a ceiling tile and a self portrait of oneself. For my first Assignment I did my ceiling tile based on a huge television series. This is pretty little liars, this show is very mysterious and elevating just like my personality it gives you suspense. My art work took all of the time we were given and over because I needed to perfect it. I chose to paint "A" the mystery girl next to the title to show that no one knows who she is and she is covering her face and she is telling you to keep quiet.
My second assignment was a self portrait. I chose to draw the picture of when I was at my best friends house after our movie date the day before.It is one of my favorite pictures and it turned out so well. It took one class to draw and to perfect. and i chose to color it in with colored pencils.
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