Monologue-Ahmed Ahmed-"Mommy I'm up"

“What? What? I’m up mommy! I’m up”

“What do you mean get dressed?”

(Looks at the clock)

“Mom it’s 12 in the morning. Where the hell are we going? Why the hell are we going to my uncle’s house?”

“Ok give me 5 minutes”

(Gets in the car)

“Mom, I have school tomorrow...well, later.”


“Mommy! Are you crying?”

“Oh okay. I thought you were crying.”

She was definitely crying, right? No. Mommy is always happy, mommy is always smiling. She’s never sad.

“Hey uncle Aziz!”

“I’m good how are you?”

“Where’s Massawa?”

“Oh okay. Is he going to school tomorrow?”

“Aww man.”

“Okay. I think I'm going to sleep now, I’m really tired. Goodnight!”

“Wait why are we going to Eritrea?”


“Why are they yelling?”

“Ok, Ok!”

“Bye daddy!”

“Mommy. Where are we going?”

“What do you mean we’re going to Eritrea?”

“Mommy, it’s january, I have school, not that I want to go, I’m just reminding you that the summer hasn’t arrived yet.”

“Okay! Jesus Christ.”

“Yeah I have everything.”

“Wait why are we going to Eritrea?”

“Ohhhh Okay.”

“I know a lot about our culture. I know about Jesus christ, I know how to speak Tigrinya, I know injera, I know everything.”

“Now we’re going to eat injera everyday in Eritrea!”

“Yeah, I really like injera.”

“Grandma makes the best injera!”


“Is daddy coming with us?”

“Why not?”
“Is he sick?”

“Is he going to go with us on our other vacations”

“Will he come visit us?”

“When are we coming back?”

“Mommy, I have school though.”

“I have to take the PSSA, and in fourth grade, we take English, Math, Science, and writing, so I have to take them.”

“Mommy, I don’t want to go to school in Eritrea!”

“I don’t know how to speak Tigrinya that good.”

“Mommy, why can’t daddy go to Eritrea with us?”

“He can work in Eritrea too.”
“Why are you crying?”

“Yes you are!”

“Mommy, I’m so confused.”

“What is happening?”

“So why are you crying if we’re going to Eritrea? Don’t you like Eritrea? All of your family live there. You should be happy!”

“Ohh, tears of joy!”

“I was so confused!”

“Haha, ok I understand now.”

(gets on airplane)

“Mommy, can I sit on the big massage chair.”

“Aww man!”

“Can I sit next to the window?”


“Ok. Can I watch a movie first.”

“Just one then I promise I’ll sleep.”

“Thank you mommy.”

(gets off airplane and gets his bag)


“I missed you so much!”

“Uncle Hagos! Aunt Hiyab!”

“I’m good.”

“Where are Nigisti and Michael?”

“Yeah I remember them. Nigisti, Michael, Massawa, Russam, and Saba are my favorite cousins!”

“I can’t wait to see them!”

(gets in the car and is on his way to the house.)

“Hi, how are you?”

“Hey what’s up?”

“How’s it going?”

“There are so many people here!”


“Yeah, I was planning on sleeping in a little bit anyway, but since tomorrow is Saturday, can I play with Russam and the others?”

“Thanks mommy!”

“Ok goodnight!”

“Goodmorning mommy!”

“Mommy, where’s my toothbrush?”

“Ok thanks.”

“Good Morning Michael!”

“Let’s go get Nigisti, Russam, and Saba so we can play tag!”

“Ok I’ll go tell Russam!”


“Oh I think I hear him in that room!”

(Listening to his mother, aunts, uncles, and grandparents taking in the room)

“No way!”

“Nah ah!”

“A divorce!”

“Wait does that mean I won’t ever see daddy again?”

“Is that why mommy was crying?”

“Is that why we came to Eritrea?”

“Does daddy not love me and mommy anymore?”

“Why a divorce?”

“Am I ever going to see my dad again?”

Comments (2)

Messele Asfaw (Student 2019)
Messele Asfaw

First off, Injera is overrated. Secondly, I like how you ended the monologue with a question. It fills the reader/listener with wonder and creates a bit of suspense at the end, and I'm assuming that makes them want to read more.