Lobbying Post #4: Fracking

For this portion of lobbying Ms. Julia Boyer & I have teamed up to organise 3 things. 
A petition, fundraise, and a protest. So far we have collected several signatures for our petition. We have planned to send the list of signatures directly to Governor Corbett in order for him to jump on board and support us with every Anti-Fracking move we make. 

We also plan to sell Buttons, T-Shirts, Bumper Stickers, etc. in order to promote the protest and have other citizens on board with the Anti-Fracking movement as well. And We also plan to especially inform people who are not aware of what may occur with their drinking water.

As far as the Protest goes, we plan to take a bus trip to rally in Harrisburg in order to get Gov. Corbett's attention so he can know how serious we are about this matter. 

All of these move combined should gather awareness within the media, which would help us to get other supporters.
