Lilly Roman Capstone

For my Capstone, I collaborated with a fellow peer, Bronwyn Goldschneider. She approached me two years ago with the idea and we have worked on it ever since. the final product was the Celestial Gala. Bronwyn plans to study fashion in college, while I will be studying marketing. When designing the event, we wanted to make sure that everyone who came felt included, as this is something that often lacks in mainstream fashion houses and media companies. We didn't want to use token diversity, as we recognized that it doesn't fix the issue, it only capitalizes on it. Instead, we had students, teachers, and parents from all over Philadelphia join to naturally represent the diversity we see in our city every day. Models in the show represneted nearly different spectrums in race, size, hieght, age, and backgrounds. I took pictures, made posters, and helped organize the final event. I also began my own production company named RoVe Productions. We took a lot of time networking with Braskem and figuring out logistics like how to fund the event. We participated in a shark tank in order to receive some of this funding. We were able to secure $1,000 to help supply catering, decorations, live entertainment, and other additions. The venue and seating, however, we were able to secure for free. I learned many things about scheduling, budgeting, collaboration, and the work process. To see each resource we used for the project, a viewable link to the google drive is below:

