Life skills for ILP

Strengths are one of the most defining part of a person and is typically the things that yours peers remember of you. As it has this much of an impact on someone I believe it it a good thing to reflect on and see how you can better yourself further. Although it is sometimes considered selfish to think of what your good at at some points it is necessary. This is one of those times but not only because it is an assignment, also because it is important to look back on what you do right and how they can be further developed. When looking back on myself and thinking of abilities and characteristics i'm proud of myself for I came up with a couple. I thought back to my teamwork, ability to focus in necessary situation and my ability to come up with creative solutions to difficult problems. -Working together- Teamwork isn’t something that came natural to me. It wasn’t that I wasn’t good at talking to other people or sharing stuff but I was very independent. Until I became older I disliked playing team sports and tended to prefer independent assignments. As I matured I began to work more in groups and get out of my shell. I began to understand the importance of working together and using everyone's ideas. I understood how in many cases you learn more as the teacher than the student. After understanding these concepts I realized it would improve me as a person to become a better group member and that is what I worked towards. By now I would say that I am great at teamwork but there is always improvement to be made. -Organizing simple routine- Procrastination is one of the biggest part of high school in my opinion. It ends up taking most of kids free time and continues to affect the greater population in small and large scales. It is not fair to say that I don’t procrastinate because I do but it is your mindset towards it that becomes more important. After years of growth I am confident in my ability to focus in important situations and organizing myself accordingly. This has allowed me to procrastinate in a good waay, setting aside work until later when you can focus on it and knock it out very quickly. The decision to wait may be looked at as procrastination but now I approach the situation in a different way. -Engineer's Mindset- The final ability to focus on is my ability to come up with creative solutions to many problems. I believe that this is the most life applicable skill to have. This kind of skill is something that can be used on the daily as it is such a vague but still directed skill. Something that has helped this develop in myself in my past experience in Odyssey of the Mind, engineering and playing sports. These taught me many important lessons including how to properly go through problems and come up with good solution fast and accurately. These 3 strengths affect me everyday and continue to help me. I see them appear in everything I do whether it be in a small way or a huge way. Before even starting my ILP I know that these strengths will help me out continuously. As I work with adults and other students these will help me and they will help my time have more impact on me. They will let me learn as much as possible
