Laila Kerbag's Capstone

Originally. my project was a wall scrapbook of SLA filled with things from SLA students. Due to the pandemic, I was left unclear about what my capstone was. Everything was getting messy and I just felt confused and useless. That's when I was inspired by a friend to make and donate masks to a place in need. I then began to do research and ask questions on what I would need to make a mask. I watched videos on how to make them and started. After overcoming some challenges during the process, it was all worth it when I finished over 30 masks in less than two weeks. I researched facilities in need and decided I would donate to The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. It felt great giving back in a time of need to a hospital that helped me when I was younger. I wouldn't have been able to do this without the help of some amazing SLA staff.

