Joshua Hernandez Capstone

For my capstone, I did a soccer ball for the Blind. Throughout this project, I’ve had a couple of roadblocks that have made me reflect on if I should be doing the project. Luckily I stuck through it and enjoy making my project. Next, the process of my project was very unique. Throughout the whole project, I was at first coding a buzzer. When coding the buzzer everything was going according to plan. Until all of a sudden, my code starts having issues. It wasn’t detecting what I was trying to do. Kept having error problems with the code. Once I figured out the code another problem started which was the circuit. The code was being verified by the coding of the website so I thought I was good but no the buzzer started to act up. The buzzer was acting up to the point that it wasn’t being recognized and everything was set up perfectly even with its voltages in the correct spot. So when it was time to overcome these obstacles I quickly started to think of other options that could work. That’s when the idea of a speaker since it’s Bluetooth won’t need any wires. To overcome this I got a mini speaker and just put it inside the ball just to see how loud it would be. As I did that it was perfect. The next step was now how to make the soccer ball kickable. I finally ended up painting it and polishing it. Through all, I learned to never get stuck on one idea and essentially there can always be other solutions to your project or anything in general.

_Capstone Bibliography
