Jave Kelman, Mateo Rooney-Gatmaitan, Rocketfest

Rocketfest is a youth film festival for public high school students across Philadelphia organized by SLA Center City students. Rocketfest was created to showcase Philadelphia Public Highschool film talent, all in one place, together.

Through working on this capstone we got to see how SLA’s core values of inquiry, research, collaboration, presentation, and reflection work in the real world. This capstone was not only challenging but also rewarding.

Copy and paste this link to view a slide deck explaining Rocketfest 2023 with some behind-the-scenes: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1DaU5e_cws_QH856kl0b0H8PX-UJx0JYoKH5N2Gp64Co/edit?usp=sharing

Capstone Annotated Bibliography  (2)
