How printmaking revolutionized art - Sam Gualtieri

Printmaking originated in China in 105 AD. It was an efficient way to copy designs to be re-printed. Over the next 1912 years it massively increased in popularity. In the 1400’s Daniel Hopfer popularized the method of relief printing after using it to add designs and textures to armor. During the Han Dynasty, woodblock printing was popularized being used on silk. Printmaking is a unique art form because it has multiple mediums that all come out with products unlike any other art form. Such as using wood engraving, a letterpress, or woodcutting.

Printmaking revolutionized the way we copy artwork and literature as well as designing an entirely new artistic look. The image I've included was once being sold at but is no longer available. I'm a fan of this piece because I noticed way it depicts the light in the sky and how it hit's the building. I'm also a fan because it references a television show called Futurama which I am a fan of.
