Eric Perez Capstone

I chose a senior project topic that I knew would engage and be enjoyable for the students. There is a large number of students at SLA who play soccer, but there isn’t a space where they can play when in the winter. So to see if they would be interested in having a futsal league or after-school club, I hosted a futsal event. Students from different grades and with mixed skill levels attended this event to play. After the event, I interviewed some of them, to ask if they would like to see more of these events in the future, as well as to know why they thought it would be a great idea to have a futsal team and give the SLA gym more uses then just normal indoor sports. They all seemed to have a positive attitude towards this idea and wanted to make it a club. I chose this project because I was part of the soccer team during my senior year, and noticed many of the students with amazing skills, as well as those starting. After the season came winter, many didn’t know or had access to indoor facilities to play, and practice. So I wanted to give them a place where they could practice, Futsal is a great version of soccer that allows players to improve their skills according to the environment that they are playing in. SLA would be doing a lot of kids a favor by allowing them to utilize the gym to improve their soccer skills, we have a lot of great soccer players.

Eric Perez - Capstone (1)
Eric Perez - CS Bibliography  (1)
