Emulation Handbook - Noor Kreidie

Comments (5)

Ari Burstein (Student 2021)
Ari Burstein

You do an excellent job of incorporating images and drawings into the beginning of your handbook. It sets the stage for the reader, allowing them to get a sense of your writing style. You also have an interesting emulation story that you could build upon, if that is something you would like to do.

Ashton Krause (Student 2021)
Ashton Krause

I feel as though you did a great job emulating your author. The three elements, comma usage, use of chronological order and Reliable sources, were all incorporated clearly in your scene. I enjoyed the color choices used in your handbook, they were pleasing to the eye.

Aigner Turner (Student 2021)
Aigner Turner

I enjoyed your first element chronology and how you was able to point out the order of the book. The design was formatted and placed right . You were able to defend the author of the use of not going in chronological order.