Emulation Handbook: Call of the Wild

Emulation Handbook

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Thomas Conley (Student 2019)
Thomas Conley

Accidental Saga About Sharks Freethinking Individual Charles began swimming very quickly from the place he had just left. Once he crossed the road, he noticed his friend chasing after. He was aware that he was being difficult, but he did not desire for them to care so much. Charles’ tolerance for anything done by the mass public was fleeting. To him there was always a life endangering issue within the strong actions of others. This night in a town meeting, he had found the political opinions of his peers to be quite troubling. To his companions chasing after him, Charles was somewhat of a freethinking individual. Charles often thought about the perspective of his friends and how they perceived him. He is totally aware of how he impacts them, and at this very moment almost wishes that they would part ways in order to preserve their humanity. All of this was forgotten as he came to a stop and his friends approached him. “That was criminal,” declared Charles reluctantly, trying to emulate his normal behavior. “Out of shape there, are we?” replied Mandy unconcerned, attempting to find a suitable place to sit and endure his daily adrenaline fueled lectures.
“Shut up you clods, we need to feed ourselves. Can we actually eat something real, like a fish, or do we have to still do Cracker Barrel?” Chris announced, mimicking the actions of Mandy, but quickly giving up and spreading fully on the floor. Before answering, he internally decided this was too good of a dynamic to lose.