El UL Janiya Ben Micah Payton

Video 1: Asking to spell something nicely
In this video we have Ben confused on how to spell a word in spanish. Janiya walks dow the hall and Ben askes her to help him. She kindly helpes him and they both part ways
Video 2: The weather forecast
We start off with Payton who introduces Janiya who tell us the weeke forecast. She gives out how it will feel and the temperature to the viewers.
Video 3: Greetings
Micah walks down the hall and sees Ben on his phone looking all cool. He says hi to Ben and he askes for a classroom number. Ben tells him and then they hed to class.
Video 4: Hot day at school
Micah gets really hot on the way to the 2nd floor. He cools of with some water. He sees Janiya and he askes does she want some water. She says yes he gives her the water bottle and Micah leaves while Janiya stays by the pool.
