Describing weather conditions, seasons.

Learning how to describe the weather outside is a very easy thing. Today in Philadelphia it is cloudy. In order to describe the weather you need to know how to say the conditions of the weather. Here is a list on how to say the different forms of weather.

1. To say sunny, you must say sol.           It is pronounced soooool.

2. To say hot, you must say calor.            When you pronounce it you role your tongue.   

3. To say cold, you must say Frio.             It is pronounced Frrrrriiiio.

4. To say cool, you must say fresco.        It is pronounced Frrrrressco.

5. To say windy, you must say viento.    It is pronounced Viieento.

In general when you see an R in espanol you must role your tongue.

Explanation In Real Life (Scenario)

This is Bill and he is in his house and he wants’ to know what the weather is going to be in Malaysia. His friend who is Hispanic talks in Spanish. Bill decides to pick up the phone and call his friend Jobe. He calls Jobe.

Jobe:      Hola (hello).

Bill:        Hola, Tingo una pregunta (I have a question)?

Jobe :     What is it? You ask in espanol.

Bill:       Que Tiempo hace hoy en Malaysia? (What is the weather like in Malaysia)?

Jobe:      Hase viento (It’s windy)

Bill:        Bueno Vale (ok) Mil Gracia’s (thanks’ a million)

Jobe:      Hasta lluego (See ya later) Adido’s (Bye)

Bill         Hasta lluego  (See ya later) Adido’s (Bye)
