Calcium // Sarah

The name of my element is Calcium. The atomic number is 20 as you can see on my final art print. Lime came to great use by heating limestone. Can be found in 99% bones and teeth. Calcium plays a role in having healthy bones, so I decided to draw a milk carton. I looked at different examples on Google as well as the website that Ms. Hull provided us with, the one with all of the elements on them. I drew other examples in my sketch book and asked my friends to help me choose a final design, that is how I came out with this one. If I could do this differently, I would definitely darken the parts where it would be white so that it could appear well on the paper. I enjoyed transferring my print to another paper and putting onto a construction paper. We painted our foam plate and then put it under a white paper, used a spoon (rub the spoon all over the paper), and then took the paper off of the plate. Then, our design is on the paper! I cut it out and then put it on a construction paper.
