Arthur LaBan Capstone

For my senior capstone, I wanted to do something that I thought could hopefully have a lasting impact on the community at Science Leadership Academy as well as businesses and institutions around the city of Philadelphia. Talking with Mr. Kamal, my capstone advisor and engineering teacher at SLA, I realized that what I wanted to do was be able to educate people on how to better live a more sustainable life. But more importantly, I wanted to see how large businesses and institutions handled everything from electricity to food purchasing and disposal. With the help of The Franklin Institute and more specifically Dr. Rachel Valletta, an environmental scientist at the museum, I was able to come up with an idea to research different sustainability and climate action plans around the city and compile the information into something that can help people understand what is being done and what can be done. After researching about 25 in-depth plans from organizations and institutions that affected the city, I was able to narrow down what worked well in all of these plans and which plans do it best to serve as an example for others. I hope that this project allows for everyone to have a deeper understanding of what is possible so we can all push for a healthier earth.

Here is a link to the website:

Annotated Bibliography:
