Art - Cut Out and Negative Space

This is my version of the cut-out we worked on in Art Class.
This is my version of the cut-out we worked on in Art Class.
    Negative space is the emptiness around the main point of a piece of artwork. Artists will often color their negative space to their advantage so they can make their image stand out. By doing this, it is easier for the viewer to see the crucial component of the artwork. 
      In order to find negative space in my artwork, I searched the original paper we were given for light points and dark points. The darker points would be one color, while the lighter points would be another. This would help me to differentiate the two shades, creating negative points. I then began cutting the picture into separate pieces, and separated them by color. I traced the picture over a piece of construction paper, cut it out, and then placed all of the cut-out paper on another piece of construction paper. The darker parts went on the right, while the lighter parts were placed on the left side.
     It greatly helps artists to see negative space. If they can, they can use that space to their advantage to bring focus onto their main subject. Artists commonly utilize negative space in this way, and it seems more pleasing to the eye if the artists know how to use it. Seeing negative space also helps an artist because it allows them to understand someone else's art and appreciate more than someone who cannot see in negative space.
     I believe utilizing negative space can enhance a drawing when used correctly. Sometimes, and artist is able to use negative space to create an interesting or unique by surrounding the main point correctly. Negative space can also make a piece of art look more realistic to the viewer of an artwork. Usually, there is negative space around an object in real life, so adding negative space to an image helps to give off that feeling. 
