Ana Blumberg Capstone

For my capstone, I worked with Maxine Wray to create a student government (SGA) at SLA. SGA is a club that tasks students with leadership roles, from planning events and activities for the student body to solving problems around school. Maxine and I were interested in seeing if student government was possible at SLA, and if it would make an actual difference. We started by designing an outline for how we wanted our club to function. Having never attended a school with any form of student government, at first I didn’t know what the club should really even look like. We talked to people with SGA experience in order to get an understanding of how student government works in different schools. From there, we worked on getting interested students to join our club. Our first meeting took place in the beginning of May. We worked with members of the club and our teacher sponsor, Ms. Clancy, to organize our first fundraiser on May 16th. We put together a lemonade stand during lunch and I was happy that we were able to organize a successful fundraiser in such a short amount of time. I hope that through our capstone Maxine and I were able to establish a club that will continue to grow after we graduate.

Link to annotated bibliography:

Picture from fundraiser:
