
Dystopian Final (1)

Comments (5)

Jonathan Cuthbertson Jr. (Student 2025)
Jonathan Cuthbertson Jr.

I feel this was a very well-put-together story because all of your scenarios fit so well together that the flow of the story stays very consistent. I noticed how you used time jumps in your story because of the flashbacks I feel like it gave the story more detail and made it make more sense to me. I love how focused the story kept me while I was reading, I rarely even got distracted. Showing the message of staying together and united came to me from the start to the end of the story. Very well-written piece, excellent job!

Violet Brenner (Student 2025)
Violet Brenner

I loved your usage of dialogue in this story and the ways the characters interacted was really easy to picture. The story idea overall was very creative and the writing has such a good flow.

Grant Keo (Student 2025)
Grant Keo


I wish I finished going through this story, because I genuinely enjoyed the dialogue and dynamics between the characters. It was short but telling of the characters' personalities. Maybe it was because of their glaringly obvious names (Guts Berserk, Maverick John) but it didn't detract from the story at all. I found myself worried about what had happened to the people and uneasy when they were tasked with neutralizing infected American citizens during the attack. I liked the touches of connecting the story to the real world—even going as far as mentioning real weapons such as the m82 carbine for a detail as small as a tattoo—and the deliberate time spent mentioning characters' actions (e.g. Maverick kissing the photo of his wife before heading in).

I think the story really highlights the conflict between taking orders for your government and your own moral standings (esp. when confronted with attacking infected, hostile civilians) and I would love to continue reading this story further

grant review lik and susbcrcibe

Lyev Pitram (Student 2025)
Lyev Pitram

I really enjoyed reading this story, because it kept my attention throughout, and created a sense of excitement. There is clearly a lot of thought put into the creation of the story, and it pays off. Also, I love the character names.

Gabriel Solano (Student 2025)
Gabriel Solano

I really like the beginning of this story and the way a flashback/dream was used to establish the world outside of the dystopia. This story with all its twist really kept me compelled and reading. The message of unity and what happens when it is lost is so well shown and thought out. Amazing job!