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Kayla Cassumba Capstone
Every year the senior class of SLA creates a variety of senior projects, also known as the Capstone. Capstones are meant to inspire, ignite, and bring about change within our community. My capstone involved a business proposal to create Science Leadership Academy’s Child Care Center (SLACC). I identified a problem that needed to be solved and determined the steps to see this idea come to fruition. The program requires the cooperation of students, teachers, and children to operate successfully.
Link to Proposal:
Link to Annotated Bibliography:
Lukas Supovitz-Aznar Capstone.
First, if you really want to start getting better sleep you must first prioritize it. If you say you are going to sleep, actually go to sleep. A growing problem for society today is actually putting the phones and computers away when it is time to sleep. It is hard to stay away from the bright screens when the late hours come, especially when your smartphone is also your alarm. What you might not know is that smartphones actually suppress melatonin. If you are unfamiliar with the term melatonin, it is the hormone in your system that regulates sleep and wakefulness. Therefore it might be a good idea to read a book before you go to sleep. I would strongly suggest reading before you go to sleep because not only is reading the key to success, but will also not suppress melatonin and most likely help you fall asleep.
I think we can all agree that there is not that much that trumps great sleep. Feeling refreshed and ready to go in the morning is the best way to start your day. But getting good sleep is not just about those 5 minutes before you go to bed, but the process actually starts at the beginning of the day. The best way to get good sleep is to have a routine throughout the day, and make sure you are providing your body with the right nutrients throughout the day.
Another great way to enhance your sleep is to have clothes designated for sleep aka pajamas. From experience, I can recommend bamboo pajamas, they are seriously the most comfortable pants of all time and my sleep is way better because of it. Having comfortable sleep helps your body recover from tough workouts, so finding what you like is recommended.
Lukas Supovitz-Aznar
Capstone Annotated Bibliography
Friday, February 3rd, 2016
1. "BP Podcast Show 91: Getting Started as a Real Estate Wholesaler with Ben Grise." The BiggerPockets Blog. July 29, 2016. Accessed February 02, 2017.
This podcast is really helpful for beginners. One of the most important things for a beginner is learning from someone who has more experience than you. That is why attempting to find a mentor could be really helpful. Getting a first real estate deal can be really tough, so this is why in this podcast they introduce you to an investor who just finished making a ton of deals and money. By listening to this you are on your way to really making strides as an entrepreneur and investor. He does this all while all while working a separate full time job, getting married, and having a baby.
2. Dale, Heather. "Hot or Cold? The Benefits of Both Kinds of Showers." POPSUGAR Fitness. December 12, 2016. Accessed February 03, 2017.
This source is a great source for more information on things you can do to make your life more productive. One of those things are showering. Although it is a small facet of your life, it is a very important one. By turning the knob, you can make your body experience different temperatures, which leads to different results. I will use this source to provide facts for the productivity section of my website. I will also pair this with other sources to enhance the information.
3. Duhigg, Charles. Smarter faster better: the secrets of being productive in life and business. New York: Random House, 2016.
This source is one of the most important sources I have evaluated during this whole process. While this has been a long process, I have gotten a ton of good information from this book. I feel like I have learned a ton about myself through reading this book. I will use facts from this book, and evaluate if other sources say the same thing. Obviously this is a book so I have not gotten every single thing from it, but with a deeper analysis. I believe that productivity is a key to being successful, and that is why I am using this source.
4. Kiyosaki, Robert T., and Sharon L. Lechter. Rich dad, poor dad: what the rich teach their kids about money-- that the poor and middle class do not!New York: Warner Business Books, 2000.
This is another really helpful book about learning to invest. This book is really helpful because it covers a large amount of information with a few basic lessons. A theme of this book is philosophy, and how different outlooks on money will determine if you can create wealth or not. An example of this is the way people look at the home which they live in. If you have a poor man's mindset, you will believe this is an asset, which is an investment. A rich man would look at his home as a liability, and while this is a small example, the results usually correlate. Rich dad Poor dad speaks about how you can become rich from your mindset and how you manage wealth.
5. Lynch, Peter, and John Rothchild. Learn to earn: a beginner's guide to the basics of investing and business. New York: Fireside, 1995.
This is a beginners guide to learn how investing works, through three different methods. The methods include the Stock market, Bonds, and also Real estate. The book takes you through different situations, and how building wealth is not a talent, but a lifestyle. It is not contingent on how much you earn, but how well you save and how smart you spend. It is important to learn all of these methods for my new website, and I believe that the information I learned while reading Learn to Earn will be extremely beneficial for the people interested in learning to create wealth.
6. Merrill, Than. The real estate wholesaling bible: the fastest, easiest way to get started in real estate investing. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2014.
This again is a beginners guide to real estate. I am going to use this source like I used a lot of my other sources, but the difference is that they have different tips and methods. Because my website is going to be an accumulation of all these methods, I am going to have to go through a lot of repetition to get all of the contrasting facts. I am motivated to find all of the ways to invest which actually work, but repetition is going to be a factor. I need to keep in mind that I must avoid saying the same thing more than once.
7. Mayberry, Matt. "10 Ways to Become the Most Productive Person Around." Entrepreneur. Accessed February 03, 2017.
I have learned a great deal from this article. This is just an article that is a secondary source, however it has a lot of accumulated information. Most of my sources have common traits, so I am really learning how to analyze them. One limitation to this source was that it was not that long, but I have other sources about productivity that capture a deeper look into traits of productivity. I selected this source because I want to learn every single peice about productivity, and that is why I continue to dig deep.
8.Shah, Aram, and Alex Virelles. The art of wholesaling properties: how to buy and sell real estate without cash or credit. Bloomington, IN: IUniverse, 2015.
I found this source reliable because it goes into depth about how to wholesale properties without actually really having a lot of money to invest. I think this is an obstacle which all young entrepreneurs encounter at some point in their career, so overcoming this obstacle is tough, and reading this book is a good step in that direction. This will further my capstone by giving great evidence to support my claims, and will show some of the effects of marketing. I also will give this book as a suggestion to anybody who wants to really go in depth in their learning.
9.Websitetesterify. "MVI 0178 2017-1-11 New York Wholesale Event." YouTube. January 12, 2017. Accessed February 01, 2017.
In this source it gives a detailed meeting about how to become a wholesaler of houses. What this entails is learning how to middleman homes so you do not really have to spend money. However, there really is a solid reason to do this because you collect the fee. This fee is up to you to price. You create any fee you want, but it is up to you to find a buyer. The most important part of this process is finding the right market to fish for houses to buy. This is just one of the 7 videos filmed from the meeting
10."Wall Street Survivor." Wall Street Survivor. Accessed February 02, 2017.
This is a great starting source for learning about how Wall street works. Not only am I getting information from this website, but I am also learning from their website setup. I do not think that I want to pay for a website, however I would consider it because of how well this website is set up. Furthermore, I am going to link the game that is on this website so that people who are interested can learn more. I want my website to have information about more forms of investing, but I really do like the setup of this website, and it is a great link.
Tomas Arango - Capstone
For my capstone, I decided to stick to what I truly love, running. As captain of the Cross Country team my senior year of High School, I loved being a leader and watching everyone grow throughout the season. I wanted to leave something behind since Cross Country was one of my favorite parts of my time at SLA. Talking with my coaches, I decide to start a fundraiser for the team, first by opening a GoFundMe page and posting weekly updates on Facebook. Within a week I raised over $150. We also worked together as a team to have bake sales which helped with raising more money. My end goal was $1,000 but in the end I only raised a total of $500.
My overall goal was to create an ongoing fundraiser that would last for seasons to come. Since I’ve been on the team, there hasn’t been any types of bakes sales or anything to create more funds for the team. Working with Coach Giknis and Captain Krystal Cabrera , a schedule for fundraisers will be created for the Fall 2017 season. Money will used for new uniforms as well as any necessities the team decides on.
I would like to thank everyone who helped me and to everyone who donated money to support my capstone. It’s been a great learning experience working on this capstone, and I hope that this is the start of a much larger Cross Country team for my school.
Website Link:
Gasca , Peter. "7 Essential Tips for an Effective Fundraising Strategy." Entrepreneur . Entrepreneur Media , 13 Apr. 2015. Web. 1 Feb. 2017. <>.
Fundraising can be difficult, especially when you have a deadline and goal. The Entrepreneur provides tips and info on how to do it effectively. A website where many entrepreneurs or simple people seeking help with every day businesses can go for help. Entrepreneurs from all around the world come together to build this website for the general crowd. This website can help me get organized, with tips on how to build a team and assign tasks to everyone who is helping me.
"Mag 7 Race Series-Race Directors Planning Worksheet." Mag 7 Race Series . The Magnificent Seven Road Race Series , n.d. Web. 2 Feb. 2017. <>.
Planning a 5k can be very difficult but this spreadsheet provides detailed info on everything that might occur during a 5k. From simple things like water to number of runners, to terrain and other things. Mag 7 Race Series runs out of Indiana where runners can sign up for local races and compete state wide. They also have resources for coaches. I can use this to plan out and think of more specific things with the race so all runner are safe, comfortable and happy.
Eiler, Melissa. “Set Goals, Get Permission, Plan the Logistics.” Active. Active Network, n.d. Web. 2 Feb. 2017.
Planning and setting goals to meet is essential to planning a 5k or pretty much anything. provides resources for all types of atheletes. With it’s own app, it’s a great website to help you stay active. After completing my calendar, I now see how much planning I have to do in order to make this race possible. This will help me get organized.
Eiler, Melissa. “Choose Your Event, Location, Date.” Active. Active Network, n.d. Web. 2 Feb. 2017.
Location is very important to me because I don’t want to interfere with other people and their daily exercise routines. But I also want a public space that is open to the public. This website provides tips to planning ahead and making sure that local communities and organizations know what you are planning and when it’s happening. provides resources for all types of atheletes, to help them stay active and more informed.
Eiler, Melissa. “Build a Budget, Find Sponsors, Promote Your Race” Active. Active Network, n.d. Web. 2 Feb. 2017.
Money plays a big part since the whole purpose is to fundraise for my cross country and track team. I also plan to get sponsors from local stores and maybe school runed organizations. provides resources to how to reach out to those people and help build promotion for your event. provides resources for all types of atheletes, to help them stay active and more informed.
Sanchez, Claudio. “Philadelphia Schools: Another Year, Another Budget Crisis.” NPR. WHYY National Public Radio. 4 Nov. 2014 Web. 2 Feb. 2017
Budget cuts have been a big issues over the last year in our school district. They’ve impacted almost every single public school in the city and every subject. I want to make people aware of the damages caused and NPR’s interview provides insight on how it’s actually affecting people in schools. NPR has millions of interviews and has been around for many years.
Graham, Kristen. “Budget cuts hit district athletes.” Philadelphia Media Network. 11 Sep. 2011 Web. 2 Feb. 2017
Budget cuts affected a lot of extra curricular activities like music and also sports. This article spoke about how a lot of teams not longer have money for all the equipment they may need. Going back to my project this is what I want to focus on because I think it’s important for students to have a good sports program. works in conjunction with the Inquirer to provide daily news about the city and also the surrounding area.
Koenig, Mark. “ 7 Tips on Asking for Donations-It’s Intimidating, We Get It.” Nonprofit Hub. Nonprofit Hub. Web. 2 Feb. 2017
Starting to fundraise and asking people for money can be hard. Bake sales will be my way of getting money since it’s very popular at SLA. Nonprofit hub gives tips on how get involved in the community and fundraise effectively to reach your goal. Designed by owners of nonprofit organizations , this website provides deep insight and information.
Graham, Kristen. “Phila. District spends less per pupil than most other cities” Philadelphia Media Network. 16 Jan. 2015 Web. 2 Feb. 2017
It’s interesting to compare other school districts with ours because you are able to see how much less we receive in fundings. This article digs deeper into every student and how much is really given to each and every single one. It’s current and so it’s information I can really analyze and use for my final presentation.
“Bake Sales Step by Step” PTO Today. School Family Media. N.p Web. 2 Feb. 2017
Bake sale will be how I make my money, and making the right food can make a big difference in the amount of money I make. This website, created for parents gives details about how much bake sales actually make and how to increase profit as much as possible.
"Sports Fundraising Ideas - The Best Sports Fundraisers Available." 15 Proven Sports Fundraising Ideas - Learn How to Raise the Most Money. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Feb. 2017. <>.
Ameena Atif Capstone
I am extremely passionate about children's education. It is my ‘life mission’ to ensure that every child I meet has access to books and quality education. In addition to my passion for literature, SLA has taught me the importance of community and gratitude. I asked myself, "How you can combine your literary passion and your love for the community?" From there, "Annabelle and The Garden" was born.
I created a website to serve as a home for "Annabelle and The Garden" and my senior capstone. This website is not just a home for my senior capstone. It's main function is to engage little readers with our beautiful planet Earth and the worlds in books all around them. On the “Lesson Plans’ parents/guardians and educators can perform experiments and activities with little readers.
My SLA admission interview ended with the question, "How can you make SLA a better place?". As my graduation ceremony approaches and my capstone process ends, I leave a similar question for you. "How can you make the world a better place?"
"Annabelle and The Garden" is available for purchase on Barnes & Noble. You can also read an excerpt of the book on Barnes & Noble's website. All of the proceeds are being donated to For 35 years KidsGardening has been a leader in the school gardening movement. They encourage garden based learning.
- Term
- 2016-17